Kinovarobotics / ros2_kortex

ROS2 driver for the Gen3 Kinova robot arm
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Ignition Gazebo sim moving past commanded pose #139

Open MarqRazz opened 1 year ago

MarqRazz commented 1 year ago

Running Gazebo and commanding the arm with MoveIt I have seen issues with the arm not moving to the commanded pose, moving past the goal or some joint's continuing to move forever.

System Setup: c3pzero container running Humble and Gazebo Fortress



Here are some pic's of the goal pose and the ghost robot is showing the final pose of the arm as reported from simulation. image


abake48 commented 1 year ago

Was experiencing this as well in a host environment. One way I was easily able to replicate this consistently using MoveIt:

abake48 commented 12 months ago

Leaving this note here for myself or who ever is motivated to tackle this.

One suggestions for a possible workaround or solution is to increase the effort parameter of each of the joints