Open Krawus opened 8 months ago
Hello @Krawus,
This is not an expected situation. I see from your logs that there seems to be a missing lib on your system
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-7] [Err] [] Failed to load system plugin [] : couldn't find shared library.
Did you install the ros2_kortex package from binaries or you built it from source? Either way, make sure that you have correctly installed Ingition. This may guide may be helpful : Once you have this installed, try launching the simulation again, you should then see the arm in candle position.
Best, Santiago
Hi, I am also having the same error:
[ros2-9] [INFO] [1725293330.569761463] [_ros2cli_5295]: waiting for service /controller_manager/load_controller to become available...
[ign-6] [Err] [] Failed to load system plugin [] : couldn't find shared library.
[ros2-10] [WARN] [1725293339.878516819] [_ros2cli_5297]: Could not contact service /controller_manager/load_controller
The link does not work (says page not found). And I also did install the plugin and its package.
I am using ROS2 Humble and Gazebo Ignition (fortress). My quadruped robot (Spot robot) spawns on Gazebo, but I cannot get it to walk because of the controller manager issue. I am also not using a ros_gz_bridge. How can I fix this issue? Thank you!
The missing shared library should be found under /opt/ros/humble/lib on your system. If this is not the case, please make sure to install ign_ros2_control package using the following command:
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-ign-ros2-control
I hope this solves the issue and please keep me posted regarding the situation.
Best, Abed
Thank you! I was able to fix the issue by launching Ignition Gazebo with this command:
'launch', '')]),
launch_arguments=[('gz_args', [' -r -v 4 ', ground_plane_path])]),
where ground_plane_path
is the path to the sdf world file. The plugins are working and controllers are loading. However, I am still not able to get the robot to walk. I tried using a Twist command that published well but the robot didn't move (though everything seemed connected well in the rqt graph), and trying to control the joint trajectory directly didn't work because of a clock issue that I am unable to fix. Do you by any chance have any recommendations on how to get the robot to walk in the simulation? Thank you so much.
Hello @diyaagarwal21 ,
How are you exactly integrating the Gen3 with Spot? I have no details about your project and this does not allow me to provide a well tailored solution. But as general guidelines, if you are facing time synchronization issues between ROS and the Gazebo, make sure the set the use_sim_time parameter to true. Furthermore, I recommend that you make sure that all of your controllers are active using:
ros2 control list_controllers --controller-manager
Moreover, double check if the command interfaces of the controllers accept velocity and position commands.
Best, Abed
Hi, when I'm launching simulation using ignition by command:
The robot "faints"
Logs from terminal sugesting that controllers are nod starting correctly:
Is this somehow a known issue? Thank you in advance for your help