Closed TropicalPenguinn closed 2 years ago
Hi @LeeJeongWoon-Workout,
What kind of errors do you have on Ubuntu16.04? Officially, Ubuntu16.04 and ROS-Kinetic are not supported anymore, however the melodic-devel branch was working with ROS-Kinetic, like you mentionned. I have seen problems related to VMs, but it is usually communication problems. I am not sure if this is the case or if the issue is related to VMware. You could try using the kinetic-devel branch, which was tested on ROS-Kinetic.
About your Jinja2, it is possible the minimum required version was increased since we tested the Kortex driver on Ubuntu16. I am not sure is this package is very usefull, you could probably make it work with a previous Jinja2 version without having to worry about it. This package is downloaded by conan to operate te kortex driver. This is not a VMware issue.
Regards, Felix
I am doing a project related to ros-kortex Gazebo in VMWare 16. Currently, I am conducting tests on Ubuntu 18.04 and 16.04 at the same time. In the case of Ubuntu 18.04 (melodic), Gen3-lite and Gen3 working well in Gazebo. However, in the case of 16.04(kinetic), I got erros. I checked from readme file that ros-kortex is tested in kinetic and ubuntu 16.04. But it doesn't work well in VMWare. I wonder if ros-kortex is not supported in VMWare.
conan config set general.revisions_enabled=1 conan profile new default --detect > /dev/null conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 default rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y
Moreover,I got erros when the above code into the terminal.
In the case of
conan config set general.revisions_enabled=1 conan profile new default --detect > /dev/null conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 default
they requires Jinja2>=3.0 but newest version of jinja in ubuntu 16.04 is under that requirement. and can't upgrade through terminal.I wonder if this is also because it was run on VMWare.
python version 3.5.2 vmware 16 ubuntu 16.04 ros kinetic