Kinovarobotics / ros_kortex

ROS packages for KINOVA® KORTEX™ robotic arms
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Robot semantic description not found, ros-noetic #329

Open Vasanth28897 opened 1 month ago

Vasanth28897 commented 1 month ago

I am trying to implement the dual arm(Gen3-6DOF) using this kortex_dual_driver.launch file from the kortex_driver package. This below command is used to launch

roslaunch kortex_driver kortex_dual_driver.launch right_ip_address:= right_dof:=6 left_ip_address:= left_dof:=6 start_moveit:=true 

Getting this error after add the moveit_ros_visualisation topic in the rviz

[ERROR] [1721050238.187388049]: Robot semantic description not found. Did you forget to define or remap '/robot_description_semantic'?

when i tried executing just kortex_driver.launch using this command

roslaunch kortex_driver kortex_driver.launch ip_address:= robot_name:=terminator dof:=6

there are no problem or error shown in the terminal, and i can plan and execute the robot using the motion_planning in the rviz.

and i can see this parameter /terminator/robot_description_semantic in the rosparam list. And that robot_description_sematic located the srdf file in this location.

This document was autogenerated by xacro from /home/pc/kinova_ws/src/ros_kortex/kortex_move_it_config/gen3_move_it_config/config/6dof/gen3.srdf.xacro\

I added this below line in the kortex_dual_driver.launch file to locate the gen3.srdf.xacro file <param name = "robot_description_semantic" command="$(find xacro)/xacro --inorder $(find gen3_move_it_config)/config/$(arg left_dof)dof/gen3.srdf.xacro"/>

ended up the error like this

[ INFO] [1721049394.820901460]: The Kortex driver has been initialized correctly!
[ INFO] [1721049394.859203822]: Kortex Driver's services initialized correctly.
[ INFO] [1721049394.859276375]: -------------------------------------------------
[ INFO] [1721049394.874494511]: The Kortex driver has been initialized correctly!
[ERROR] [1721049416.863728332]: Semantic description is not specified for the same robot as the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.863820634]: Joint 'joint_1' declared as part of group 'arm' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.863845383]: Joint 'joint_2' declared as part of group 'arm' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.863863092]: Joint 'joint_3' declared as part of group 'arm' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.863879900]: Joint 'joint_4' declared as part of group 'arm' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.863895998]: Joint 'joint_5' declared as part of group 'arm' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.863912831]: Joint 'joint_6' declared as part of group 'arm' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.863929833]: Joint 'end_effector' declared as part of group 'arm' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.863952865]: Joint 'tool_frame_joint' declared as part of group 'arm' is not known to the URDF
[ WARN] [1721049416.863975969]: Group 'arm' is empty.
[ERROR] [1721049416.864039700]: Joint 'joint_1' declared as part of group state 'home' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.864059248]: Joint 'joint_2' declared as part of group state 'home' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.864077404]: Joint 'joint_3' declared as part of group state 'home' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.864095063]: Joint 'joint_4' declared as part of group state 'home' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.864112010]: Joint 'joint_5' declared as part of group state 'home' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.864129047]: Joint 'joint_6' declared as part of group state 'home' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.864168700]: Joint 'joint_1' declared as part of group state 'retract' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.864188027]: Joint 'joint_2' declared as part of group state 'retract' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.864205447]: Joint 'joint_3' declared as part of group state 'retract' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.864222252]: Joint 'joint_4' declared as part of group state 'retract' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.864238999]: Joint 'joint_5' declared as part of group state 'retract' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.864255795]: Joint 'joint_6' declared as part of group state 'retract' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.864275765]: Joint 'joint_1' declared as part of group state 'vertical' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.864294924]: Joint 'joint_2' declared as part of group state 'vertical' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.864312055]: Joint 'joint_3' declared as part of group state 'vertical' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.864329192]: Joint 'joint_4' declared as part of group state 'vertical' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.864347258]: Joint 'joint_5' declared as part of group state 'vertical' is not known to the URDF
[ERROR] [1721049416.864364374]: Joint 'joint_6' declared as part of group state 'vertical' is not known to the URDF
[ WARN] [1721049416.864426797]: Link 'base_link' is not known to URDF. Cannot disable/enable collisons.
[ WARN] [1721049416.864445854]: Link 'base_link' is not known to URDF. Cannot disable/enable collisons.
[ WARN] [1721049416.864463686]: Link 'base_link' is not known to URDF. Cannot disable/enable collisons.
[ WARN] [1721049416.864481334]: Link 'bicep_link' is not known to URDF. Cannot disable/enable collisons.
[ WARN] [1721049416.864505303]: Link 'bicep_link' is not known to URDF. Cannot disable/enable collisons.
[ WARN] [1721049416.864524298]: Link 'bicep_link' is not known to URDF. Cannot disable/enable collisons.
[ WARN] [1721049416.864542833]: Link 'bracelet_link' is not known to URDF. Cannot disable/enable collisons.
[ WARN] [1721049416.864560704]: Link 'bracelet_link' is not known to URDF. Cannot disable/enable collisons.
[ WARN] [1721049416.864577680]: Link 'bracelet_link' is not known to URDF. Cannot disable/enable collisons.
[ WARN] [1721049416.864594032]: Link 'forearm_link' is not known to URDF. Cannot disable/enable collisons.
[ WARN] [1721049416.864610404]: Link 'forearm_link' is not known to URDF. Cannot disable/enable collisons.
[ WARN] [1721049416.864627350]: Link 'forearm_link' is not known to URDF. Cannot disable/enable collisons.
[ WARN] [1721049416.864644754]: Link 'shoulder_link' is not known to URDF. Cannot disable/enable collisons.
[ WARN] [1721049416.864662746]: Link 'spherical_wrist_1_link' is not known to URDF. Cannot disable/enable collisons.
[ WARN] [1721049417.040841661]: Group 'arm' must have at least one valid joint
[ WARN] [1721049417.040873158]: Failed to add group 'arm'
[ERROR] [1721049417.040891699]: Group state 'home' specified for group 'arm', but that group does not exist
[ERROR] [1721049417.040896979]: Group state 'retract' specified for group 'arm', but that group does not exist
[ERROR] [1721049417.040901459]: Group state 'vertical' specified for group 'arm', but that group does not exist

so what do i have to do, to implement the dual arm working using the kortex_dual_driver.launch file? This is urgent. Awaiting your response as soon as possible.

Regards K.S.Vasanth

martinleroux commented 1 month ago

Hi @Vasanth28897 ,

We will be investigating the specifics of your issue as soon as we have time. In the meantime, have you looked at the bugfix/dual-arm-melodic branch published for issue #253 ? I understand you probably do not want to downgrade to Melodic, but you can use the code as a reference. Since you mention your issue is urgent, this is the best I can propose until we can replicate your issue.

aalmrad commented 1 month ago

Hi @Vasanth28897 , Please refer to the pull request: The added modifications will allow you to command two Gen3 robotic arms with no grippers and with the same dof (6 or 7). Please do not hesitate to reach out for further questions