Kinto / kinto

A generic JSON document store with sharing and synchronisation capabilities.
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Run Kinto demo server outside Mozilla infra #2295

Open evberrypi opened 4 years ago

evberrypi commented 4 years ago

The link in the docs: is no longer working, brings up a blank screen and has been this way since at least 10/10/19.

Natim commented 4 years ago

Hello @evberrypi sorry about that, I cannot fix it since I don't work at mozilla anymore. However I encourage you to deploy your own demo server using this button:


Natim commented 4 years ago

It looks like this:

glasserc commented 4 years ago

Somebody else mentioned this to me today and it seems like the server is totally down (can't ssh in or anything). I asked ops but they didn't seem to know anything about it. I'm not sure what to do about it..

leplatrem commented 4 years ago

The domain should be associated to some AWS instance, there must be a way to find out :) It's possible that it was deleted though. @Natim do you remember how you set it up?

Natim commented 4 years ago

It's possible that it was deleted though.

Yes exactly, I remember I configured the mandatory variable to make sure the ripper doesn't remove it but someone probably did manually.

leplatrem commented 4 years ago

Alright, ckolos restored the instance. But it'll be better to update our docs and run it somewhere that we control (Heroku for instance).

I realize it's mentioned in many places We can ask if we can keep the domain :)

leplatrem commented 2 years ago

@Natim or @dstaley, would you be interested in hosting an instance?

dstaley commented 2 years ago

I'm happy to run an instance! Could you share more info about the specs (CPU, memory, disk space, DB, etc.) for Mozilla's instance? I bet I could get away with something pretty small. Also if you could share the Kinto config for the server that would be helpful as well.

leplatrem commented 2 years ago

Thanks Dylan!

The machine is pretty small, 8GB of hard disk, only 500MB of RAM is used, and CPU is quadcore Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2686 v4 @ 2.30GHz. And it runs a PostgreSQL locally.

The configuration is:

# kinto.ini
use = egg:kinto

kinto.project_name = Kinto DEV
kinto.cache_backend = kinto.core.cache.postgresql
kinto.cache_url = postgres://dbuser:dbpass@localhost/dbname
kinto.storage_backend =
kinto.storage_url = postgres://dbuser:dbpass@localhost/dbname
kinto.permission_backend = kinto.core.permission.postgresql
kinto.permission_url = postgres://dbuser:dbpass@localhost/dbname
kinto.http_scheme = https
kinto.http_host =
kinto.eos =
kinto.experimental_collection_schema_validation = true
kinto.experimental_permissions_endpoint = true

pyramid.debug_notfound = false
# kinto.backoff = 10
kinto.userid_hmac_secret = <<redacted>>

kinto.includes =

multiauth.policies = account auth0 basicauth portier

# Accounts
multiauth.policy.account.use = kinto.plugins.accounts.authentication.AccountsAuthenticationPolicy
kinto.account_create_principals = system.Everyone
kinto.account_write_principals = account:admin

# Kinto portier
multiauth.policy.portier.use = kinto_portier.authentication.PortierOAuthAuthenticationPolicy
kinto.portier.broker_url =
kinto.portier.cache_ttl_seconds = 300
kinto.portier.session_ttl_seconds = 86400  # Flushed everyday anyway
kinto.portier.webapp.authorized_domains = * localhost localhost:* *

# Kinto OpenID
multiauth.policy.auth0.use = kinto.plugins.openid.OpenIDConnectPolicy
multiauth.policy.auth0.issuer =
multiauth.policy.auth0.client_id = XNmXEZhGfNaYltbCKustGunTbH0r8Gkp
multiauth.policy.auth0.client_secret = <<redacted>> 
multiauth.policy.auth0.userid_field = email

# Kinto attachment
kinto.attachment.base_url = 
kinto.attachment.extra.base_url =
kinto.attachment.base_path = /home/ubuntu/demo/v1/attachments/
kinto.attachment.extensions = images+audio+video+archives bin json gz geojson

wsgi-file = app.wsgi
enable-threads = true
socket = /home/ubuntu/demo/v1/kinto-latest.sock
chmod-socket = 666
cheaper-algo = busyness
cheaper = 5
cheaper-initial = 9
workers = 14
cheaper-step = 1
cheaper-overload = 30
cheaper-busyness-verbose = true
master = true
module = kinto
harakiri = 120
uid = ubuntu
gid = ubuntu
virtualenv = /home/ubuntu/demo/v1/venv
lazy = true
lazy-apps = true
single-interpreter = true
buffer-size = 65535
post-buffering = 65535

use = egg:waitress#main
host =
port = 8888

# Begin logging configuration

keys = root, kinto

keys = console

keys = color

level = INFO
handlers = console

level = DEBUG
handlers = console
qualname = kinto
propagate = 0

class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stderr,)
level = NOTSET
formatter = color


~~I can give you the secrets via a secure channel. ~~ Maybe it would make sense to use an Auth0 account outside Mozilla as well. And the hmac for user ids doesn't really matter since we flush the DB every day

But I'm not sure we should keep Portier, since we don't really maintain kinto-portier (it works but we don't use it at Mozilla, and it would need a maintainer in the community).

We also have a script in a cronjob that flushes everything everyday:

0 7 * * * /bin/bash /home/ubuntu/demo/


/usr/local/bin/http POST
/bin/rm -fr /home/ubuntu/demo/v1/attachments/*
/bin/echo '{"data": {"password": "s3cr3t"}}' | /usr/local/bin/http PUT
/bin/echo '{"permissions": {"read": ["system.Everyone"], "group:create": ["system.Authenticated"], "collection:create": ["system.Authenticated"]}}' | /usr/local/bin/http PUT -a admin:s3cr3t