KipK / Ghettostation

Multiprotocol antenna tracker and ground osd.
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no menu on screen #4

Closed sam07 closed 10 years ago

sam07 commented 10 years ago

hello.. i using arduino problem is in my lcd only display " [Ghettostion]

welcome " after few second my display

" [Ghettostion]


and stop..cant go to menu

KipK commented 10 years ago

What LCD model do you have ? post link.

There some settings for different lcd in the config.h, have you tried all ?

sam07 commented 10 years ago

my lcd now can goto menu..

define DEBUG

i try servo test(servo>test) only pan work..tilt not move(servo lock at one position)..

define PAN_SERVOPIN 6 //PWM Pin for pan servo

define TILT_SERVOPIN 9 //PWM Pin for tilt servo

//#define PAN_SERVOREVERSED // Depending of your hardware configuration, servo pwm need to be reversed. //#define TILT_SERVOREVERSED // same for tilt

define LEFT_BUTTON_PIN 5 // select a free digital pin for those 3 buttons



KipK commented 10 years ago

Check the Scheme for 328P arduino. Your config is wrong. Pin 6 is not a pwm pin. Use 9 for pan and 12 fort tilt.

sam07 commented 10 years ago

D6=pin 9 D9=pin 12

what should i type? (refer D)

define PAN_SERVOPIN 6 //PWM Pin for pan servo

define TILT_SERVOPIN 9 //PWM Pin for tilt servo

or (refer pin)

define PAN_SERVOPIN 9 //PWM Pin for pan servo

define TILT_SERVOPIN 12 //PWM Pin for tilt servo

KipK commented 10 years ago

the pin number so 9 and 12

sam07 commented 10 years ago

o..thank you..