Kipjr / cookieconsent

Simple cookie consent for Piwigo
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Collides with plugin "Contact Form" #2

Closed Smo-RBR closed 3 years ago

Smo-RBR commented 4 years ago

If i use cookiconsent, the contact form from contactform plugin dissapears. Tried this with various themes, also cleared colpiled theme cache. If you nee further information, pleas feel free to ask.

Kipjr commented 4 years ago

At which place does the contactform inject Into the piwigo core code?

Kipjr commented 4 years ago

please compare both files, perhaps there are vars or functions with the same name.

Kipjr commented 4 years ago

I installed ContactForm and I notice no issues. I deactivated CookieConsent and activated it again (to simulate reinstall after contactform) and still I dont see anything. Could you open the WebDev tools (F12) when you experience this and copy the data from the console tab?

Smo-RBR commented 4 years ago

Sorry for late reaction:

Uncaught Error: LiveValidation::initialize - No element with reference or id of 'subject' exists! at LiveValidation.initialize (1cbp8qf.js:7) at new LiveValidation (1cbp8qf.js:7) at index.php?/contact/:186 at index.php?/contact/:197 DevTools failed to parse SourceMap:; DevTools failed to parse SourceMap:

Kipjr commented 4 years ago

the livevalidation script isn't being loaded correctly. I'm unable to reproduce it but I will look into it. You have piwigo at newest version? Only difference with mine is is that I have it on my subdomain https://mydomain.home/piwigo

Kipjr commented 4 years ago

I checked it with https://piwigo.mydomain.home and got no issues here..

Kipjr commented 4 years ago

Could you disable Cookieconsent and open the page and right mouse button - view source Then enable Cookieconsent and open the page and right mouse button - view source

Compare both sources and post the differences if you can.