Open Romchi9307 opened 2 weeks ago
Hi! Just a quick note: even if you think the repo owner or maintainers understand languages other than English, it's still better to write issues using the international language (or at least use a machine translation to achieve that) so that everyone can jump on in the discussion.
As for the issue itself, CWB doesn't really do anything rendering-related (except for the scaling when you change the screen resolution). So, with the details provided, I'm unable to reproduce the issue.
Do you have scaling enabled? Which mods do you use besides CWB? Does this problem occur without them? What's the minimal list of mods required to reproduce the issue?
(with scaling enabled)0.6.0-beta.3+mc1.21.2
Just got hit by a spectral arrow a few times, and everything seems to work just fine.
The problem is caused by the real camera mod, cwb works perfectly with everything else in my modpack. I am sure that this is a conflict of these mods because separately both mods work without problems I used the latest version of the real camera mod with standard settings.
upd: no no no I'm far from sure that this is a conflict of these mods, I installed them together without the rest of the modpack and they work perfectly again. I will update the comment again when I find another saboteur
The minimum list of mods causing distortion is cwb fabric 3.0.0 mc1.21, entity model features fabric 1.21-2.2.6, entity texture features fabric 1.21-6.2.5, fabric api 0.102.0 1.21, ImmediatelyFast Fabric 1.3.0 1.21.1, iris fabric 1.8.0 beta.4 mc1.21.1, realcamera 1.21 fabric 0.6.1 beta, sodium fabric 0.6.0 beta.2 mc1.21.1, modmenu 11.0.3 and the trabens 3d arrows 1.1 resource pack. Removing one of them from this list solves the problem.
Apologies, but I still cannot reproduce the issue, even with the specified set of mods:
Either way, I wouldn't be able to fix it, 'cause, as I mentioned earlier, this mod doesn't modify Minecraft's rendering logic, especially something as specific as entity-model-related stuff that you have troubles with.
Since the issue only occurs when you use a resource pack that requires EMF, which in fact does make changes to the rendering pipeline and specifically to entity rendering, I think you'll have much better luck addressing this kerfuffle with them directly.
Even if something in CWB does happen to trigger this mandelbug in another mod (though I'm struggling to see how the game window being in a particular state would cause that), it's still ultimately a bug in that mod and should be resolved there.
For all mod modes in version 3.0.0 for 1.21 Fabric, if the player is hit by an arrow or a similar projectile, the items and player model in the inventory become distorted.
The effect disappears after restarting the game, but if the player is hit by a projectile again, the effect reoccurs.