Kir-Antipov / sync-fabric

One mind. Many bodies.
MIT License
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[Feature Request] 1.20 update is needed #42

Open Myzhx1 opened 9 months ago

Myzhx1 commented 9 months ago


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we need 1.20

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Kir-Antipov commented 9 months ago

Thank you for your interest in the project! Unfortunately, I cannot provide an ETA for this. Please keep in mind that mod development is an unpaid hobby of mine, so even though I love all my projects and want to keep them alive, it's definitely not the highest priority on my list. Basically, I develop mods when I have time to play Minecraft, and I haven't been able to do that for the past year or so, as you can see. So, yeah, at some point in the future, I will update my mods for sure, but I cannot tell you the exact date when that will happen.

kleineluka commented 7 months ago

I appreciate all of the work you put into this and totally don't want to pressure or rush you ! I was just wondering that, when the time comes around for updating the mod, would you ever consider trying to make it compatible with Sinytra? From my POV (although I don't develop mods so I could be wrong), it would be a lot easier to reach Forge audiences than developing for Forge itself (since it seems iChun has abandoned most of their mods). If not - totally get it, and thanks for keeping this awesome idea alive :)

Kir-Antipov commented 6 months ago

I appreciate all of the work you put into this and totally don't want to pressure or rush you

Thank you for the kind words!

I was just wondering that, when the time comes around for updating the mod, would you ever consider trying to make it compatible with Sinytra?

I have other plans for this mod. As you can probably see, I have managed to update nearly all of my mods for the latest Minecraft release available at the time of writing this comment. I say almost because I haven't updated this particular one yet.

The problem is that this was my first major Minecraft mod, and I lacked the experience to infer the best practices in this field at the time. As such, the codebase ended up being highly entangled with the internals of Minecraft. And there have been lots of, lots of changes to these internals since then, particularly considering that Mojang now has a more relaxed policy (from their perspective, of course, not for modders) on breaking changes between minor releases. As a result, the mod currently requires almost a complete rewrite to be updated to the latest Minecraft version.

However, if I'm going to make the code more Minecraft- and third-party library-agnostic anyways, I might also invest my time into setting up the Artifactory toolchain. This would allow me to build the mod for multiple different mod loaders simultaneously, including my beloved Fabric, Fabric-but-with-more-socialism Quilt, and NeoForge.

In doing so, compatibility libraries would become irrelevant because I would just end up with three different JARs native to the mod loaders mentioned above anyways.

since it seems iChun has abandoned most of their mods

While this is just a speculation on my side, I don't believe this is because of developing for Forge specifically. To me, iChun seems like a highly creative person. Thus, it's more reasonable to assume that they get inspired by a new and cool idea, implement it, eventually get bored with it, and then entirely move on to something new and exciting, and the cycle repeats. At least, this is how all the creative folks in my circle tend to be :)