during the update, transferred the node to the new server. But I forgot to turn off the old one. I went to jail. How can I get out of jail?
Command not work:
sekaid tx customslashing activate --from validator --keyring-backend=test --home=$SEKAID_HOME --chain-id=$NETWORK_NAME --fees=1000ukex --broadcast-mode=async --log_format=json --gas=1000000 --broadcast-mode=async --yes | txAwaitERROR: Failed to propagate transaction: code: 0 codespace: "" data: "" gas_used: "0" gas_wanted: "0" height: "0" info: "" logs: [] raw_log: "" timestamp: "" tx: null txhash: CDCF8CE623D41E3A039558483D7E13F19510C9C2F287A751462EF1C36734D336
during the update, transferred the node to the new server. But I forgot to turn off the old one. I went to jail. How can I get out of jail? Command not work:
sekaid tx customslashing activate --from validator --keyring-backend=test --home=$SEKAID_HOME --chain-id=$NETWORK_NAME --fees=1000ukex --broadcast-mode=async --log_format=json --gas=1000000 --broadcast-mode=async --yes | txAwait
ERROR: Failed to propagate transaction: code: 0 codespace: "" data: "" gas_used: "0" gas_wanted: "0" height: "0" info: "" logs: [] raw_log: "" timestamp: "" tx: null txhash: CDCF8CE623D41E3A039558483D7E13F19510C9C2F287A751462EF1C36734D336