Kirais / Quantum-Shooter

A Ikaruga inspired polarity shmup game for the 3rd GameShell Jam
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Theme: Shift #1

Open HuangJunye opened 4 years ago

HuangJunye commented 4 years ago

The theme for the 3rd GameShell jam is : Shift.

It can be a shift of time, speed, location, colour, gender, or physical laws.

HuangJunye commented 4 years ago

Here are some ideas that I came up with

  1. Shift between quantum states |0>, |1>, |->, |+>. Make a Metroidvania game where the player explore a map and get quantum gates as power-ups. Certain regions are locked by a gate where the player can only pass through with certain states by combining certain gates.

  2. Similar to the previous idea. A Celeste like platformer with satisfying dash. There are a lot of gates that are "one way". The player can only pass through in one direction but not others (similar to |0>, |1>, |->, |+>).

  3. A platformer where a stage can be played multiple times with different perspectives after obtaining a new power-ups each time. I saw a game with this idea recently, but I can't find it. For example, the first clear is ordinary platformer. At the end of the stage, the player gets a power up of inverse gravity. The stage suddenly looks completely different. At the end of the this stage, the player gets yet another power up: diving. The stage is completely new and underwater.

  4. Also a puzzle platformer: Shifting between black and white. The game consists of only black and white blocks. White blocks are "hard", black blocks are "void". The player can press a button to invert the whole world black to white and white to black. However, later I found on Google that there is a series of Flash game has exactly this idea. Even more, the name of the game is SHIFT!

  5. Ikaruga like shooting games. Shifting the colour of the plane and bullets. Charge with same colour bullets and deal extra damage with opposite colours.

  6. Lidia has an idea to shift gender. We can make Rick (male) and Erica (female). Rick and shift gender any time to in order to complete a puzzle escape room/ dungeon. Rick and Erica have different powers, kind of fitting the gender stereotype. But the puzzles design in such a way that after solving the puzzles, the player realise how wrong they were about gender stereotype. This is such a good idea. I just wish I had more time and I would implement it.

HuangJunye commented 4 years ago

I only discover this game jam recently and I have been extremely busy. Now it's 12 hours before the jam finishes. I think I'd better choose the simplest idea to implement. After some thinking, I decided to make a simple Ikaruga like polarity shump game.