Open VaraPrasad62 opened 3 years ago
@VaraPrasad62 did you get a solution? @KiranJasvanee could you please help resolve this?
@VaraPrasad62 @KiranJasvanee just comment line 458 in OnlyPictures.swift file. There stackView's background color has been set to brown.
In OnlyPictures.swift
change it to whatever color you like. I have it set to clear here
self.stackView.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
@VaraPrasad62 @MrinalTyagi The background color can be modified using runtime,as follows:
guard let ivarName = ("stackView" as NSString).utf8String else {
guard let ivar = class_getInstanceVariable(OnlyPictures.self, ivarName) else {
if let stackView = object_getIvar(onlyPictures, ivar) as? UIStackView {
stackView.backgroundColor = .clear
The background color can be change using this onlyPictures.subviews.first?.subviews.first?.subviews.first?.backgroundColor = YOUR_COLOR