Kirchhoff- / Movies

Movies is open-source Android project for viewing Movies/TV shows information
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Migrate to MoviebaseApp/tmdb-api #374

Open ChrisKruegerDev opened 1 year ago

ChrisKruegerDev commented 1 year ago

Hi Kirchoff, you have a great movie app, and I am looking to contribute with a TMDB API for Kotlin.

The project fully covers TMDB API, with everything tested for Android projects. So you save a lot of work, and you can focus on the UI layer 🙂

Kirchhoff- commented 1 year ago

@chrisnkrueger Sorry for late response I was on short vacation.

First of all, I want to thank you for the fact that you paid attention to my project.

Your library looks interesting, I will try to use it in repository layer of review module and see how it's going. If everything will be ok, I will try to replace network calls with this library in all modules.

Kirchhoff- commented 1 year ago

@chrisnkrueger propose interesting library for replacing network calls - Need to research possibility to replace network layer with this library in review repo.


ChrisKruegerDev commented 1 year ago

Cool 🎉 Let me know if you need support, @Kirchhoff- !