KirillOsenkov / MSBuildStructuredLog

A logger for MSBuild that records a structured representation of executed targets, tasks, property and item values.
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Error when reading the file created in Rider #740

Closed real-mikhail closed 5 months ago

real-mikhail commented 5 months ago

Binlog is created on empty .NET solution via Rider 2023.3.2 (Reload Project and Show Logs action). I'm not sure whether the issue is on Rider side or in MSBuild Structured Log Viewer but I assume that Rider is using standard way to create binlog.

Program version: 2.2.155

The error:

Error when reading the file: System.IO.InvalidDataException: BuildEvent record number 1047 (serialized size: 0) attempted to perform disallowed reads (details: System.IO.InvalidDataException: String record number 1047 is invalid: string index 771 is not within 768.). ---> System.IO.InvalidDataException: String record number 1047 is invalid: string index 771 is not within 768.
   at Microsoft.Build.Logging.StructuredLogger.BuildEventArgsReader.GetStringFromRecord(Int32 index) in C:\projects\msbuildstructuredlog\src\StructuredLogger\BinaryLogger\BuildEventArgsReader.cs:line 1776
   at Microsoft.Build.Logging.StructuredLogger.BuildEventArgsReader.ReadEvaluationLocation() in C:\projects\msbuildstructuredlog\src\StructuredLogger\BinaryLogger\BuildEventArgsReader.cs:line 1824
   at Microsoft.Build.Logging.StructuredLogger.BuildEventArgsReader.ReadProjectEvaluationFinishedEventArgs() in C:\projects\msbuildstructuredlog\src\StructuredLogger\BinaryLogger\BuildEventArgsReader.cs:line 752
   at Microsoft.Build.Logging.StructuredLogger.BuildEventArgsReader.ReadBuildEventArgs(BinaryLogRecordKind recordKind) in C:\projects\msbuildstructuredlog\src\StructuredLogger\BinaryLogger\BuildEventArgsReader.cs:line 314
   at Microsoft.Build.Logging.StructuredLogger.BuildEventArgsReader.Read() in C:\projects\msbuildstructuredlog\src\StructuredLogger\BinaryLogger\BuildEventArgsReader.cs:line 236
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Microsoft.Build.Logging.StructuredLogger.BuildEventArgsReader.<Read>g__HandleError|45_0(FormatErrorMessage msgFactory, Boolean noThrow, ReaderErrorType readerErrorType, BinaryLogRecordKind recordKind, Exception innerException) in C:\projects\msbuildstructuredlog\src\StructuredLogger\BinaryLogger\BuildEventArgsReader.cs:line 291
   at Microsoft.Build.Logging.StructuredLogger.BuildEventArgsReader.Read() in C:\projects\msbuildstructuredlog\src\StructuredLogger\BinaryLogger\BuildEventArgsReader.cs:line 254
   at Microsoft.Build.Logging.StructuredLogger.BinLogReader.Replay(Stream stream, Progress progress) in C:\projects\msbuildstructuredlog\src\StructuredLogger\BinaryLogger\BinLogReader.cs:line 91

I'm attaching repro solution and binlog.

KirillOsenkov commented 5 months ago

@JanKrivanek FYI in case you can see what could be going wrong

shmuelie commented 5 months ago

I'm running into this for any binfile I try to open.

JanKrivanek commented 5 months ago

Unfortunately AFK, so can only debug in couple hours. But on a first sight - for some reason a new format (with offsets) seem to be assumed, while rhe logs are likely version <17

KirillOsenkov commented 5 months ago

Confirmed the binlog opens fine with and fails to open with the latest main

KirillOsenkov commented 5 months ago

This is related to reading ProjectEvaluationFinishedEventArgs:


KirillOsenkov commented 5 months ago

The problem is here:

Compare to before:

KirillOsenkov commented 5 months ago

@JanKrivanek I'm trying to understand this change above

KirillOsenkov commented 5 months ago

I pushed out a mitigation here:

KirillOsenkov commented 5 months ago

Unlisted Unlisted

KirillOsenkov commented 5 months ago

I pushed out 2.2.156 of the binlog viewer:

It should be reading existing binlogs correctly.

@JanKrivanek there's no urgency in mitigating this now. You can take your time and do it later this week or whenever.

KirillOsenkov commented 5 months ago

@real-mikhail @shmuelie if you could please try the version 2.2.156 that I just released

shmuelie commented 5 months ago

Yup, works now!

real-mikhail commented 5 months ago

Yes, the issue is gone. Thank you so much for the quick response and fix!