KirillOsenkov / XmlParser

A Roslyn-inspired full-fidelity XML parser with no dependencies and a simple Visual Studio XML language service
Apache License 2.0
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Support for diagnostics seems unfinished? #10

Open tintoy opened 6 years ago

tintoy commented 6 years ago


Thanks for building a great library, but looking through the code the support for attaching diagnostics to syntax nodes seems incomplete. For example:


I was hoping to be able to use the diagnostics to quickly detect what (if anything) is broken so I can either repair or omit those nodes.

Are you still planning to add this functionality?

KirillOsenkov commented 6 years ago

Yes, it is unfinished unfortunately and in an ideal world I would certainly want to finish it up. Unfortunately, I really don't have time right now :| Maybe later...

If a PR came along with a couple unit-tests, I'd certainly consider taking it :)

tintoy commented 6 years ago

I just might do that, then :)