KirkMcDonald /

Simple web-based calculator for the game Factorio.
Apache License 2.0
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multiple item per production cycle issue #158

Closed Rippy01 closed 4 years ago

Rippy01 commented 5 years ago

for item recipes that give 2 or more items per cycle such as science packs the calculator will not go by items produced but by how many cycles have been complete. EX: military science makes 2 packs per cycle when you set it to 60 items per minute it does the calculations that would give you 120 items per minute instead Math: each military pack cycle takes 10s for 2 packs the 60 ipm setting gives 10 factories so each factory goes through 6 cycles making 12 packs each which will give you 120 ipm instead of 12

adrianvanderwal commented 5 years ago

Do you have a link where these values are displayed?

I suspect you have forgotten about the assembling machine speed.

Rippy01 commented 5 years ago

yeah i just got reminded about that i had AM 1 as the default so its my bad