KirkMcDonald /

Simple web-based calculator for the game Factorio.
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Power consumption to also include beacons that would be used #218

Open nick4333 opened 3 years ago

nick4333 commented 3 years ago

I think it would be nice to see what the actual power requirements of a theoretical base would be. and also making it more obvious what the power statistic actually represents

DRY411S commented 3 years ago

The problem is, how does kirkmcdonald know how many beacons you will actually use? For example, if you say you will have X modules, with green chips are you really going to have X/2 separate beacons around every single chip maker, unique to the assembler? You're more likely to have 8 or 12, some of those shared with other chip makers. But you may also be making them in more than one place, which increases the ratio of beacons per chip maker.

nick4333 commented 3 years ago

I was thinking this is the absolute most amount of power you would need for a given input. So yes I would say (modules)/2 beacons would be appropriate because that informs me how much infrastructure I would need to make. Even if I am sharing beacons in the end.