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Simple web-based calculator for the game Factorio.
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power usage does not include drain #220

Open taleden opened 3 years ago

taleden commented 3 years ago

The "power" column seems to only reflect the active power use of the factories, but not their passive power drain. Per the wiki: "Drain is cumulative with energy cosumption - for example, an active Assembling machine 2 will consume 155 kW (150kW energy consumption + 5kW drain)."

To reproduce, configure a single Assembling machine 1 producing anything and note its "power" value: 75kW. Then look up that same factory in the wiki and note that its (active) "energy consumption" is 75kW, but it also has a "drain" of 2.5kW that the calculator omits.

DRY411S commented 3 years ago

Ok, but why does this matter? Personally I use the kirkmcdonald to estimate the maximum power that I must supply. If I build enough power to support the maximum, by default, I support the drain.

taleden commented 3 years ago

No, that's the point: the power totals shown on the calculator do not include the drain, so if you only provide exactly that much power, the factories will be underpowered in game because they require their drain power on top of their active power.

On November 5, 2020 1:35:33 AM CST, DRY411S wrote:

Ok, but why does this matter? Personally I use the kirkmcdonald to estimate the maximum power that I must supply. If I build enough power to support the maximum, by default, I support the drain.

DRY411S commented 3 years ago

I don't believe that's true. Drain is separate to when the machine works, not additive.

In other words when machine is not working it uses 2.5KW. When it is working 75KW , not 77.5KW.

taleden commented 3 years ago

Read again the statement on the wiki that I linked and also quoted in the report: "Drain is cumulative with energy consumption - for example, an active Assembling machine 2 will consume 155 kW (150kW energy consumption + 5kW drain)."

To confirm, here's a screenshot of an actual Assembling machine 2 in-game: am2 Note that it says "Max. consumption: 155 kW". That's the 150kW active consumption plus the 5 kW drain in addition.

DRY411S commented 3 years ago

Happy to stand corrected. Definitely a bug the Devs need to address then.

taleden commented 3 years ago

I am new to the game, so it's very possible that drain was separate at some point in the past and that assumption continues to propagate by outdated guides and such. :)

taleden commented 3 years ago

On the topic of power calculations, I'll also take the opportunity to bump issue #113: when a dependency is clicked to ignore it, there should be an option to also exclude that dependency's power requirement from the "total power" tally. It seems to me the point of ignoring dependencies is to indicate that they're produced elsewhere, which means not only their sub-dependencies but also their direct power dependency is not relevant to the current design and should be excluded from the power total.

DRY411S commented 3 years ago

I am new to the game, so it's very possible that drain was separate at some point in the past and that assumption continues to propagate by outdated guides and such. :)

or other people not reading things carefully enough, when they are directed to the exact information. 👍

taleden commented 3 years ago

Looks like PR #191 already addresses this actually, although it calculates drain as 1/30th of active power which may or may not be true for all entities; it'd be better to add drain to the data definitions from the game.