Kirpal / Keyboard-Layout-Editor-for-Blender

Allows you to import keyboard layouts into blender and render them in 3d
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Atreus layout does not import properly #37

Closed d4mation closed 6 years ago

d4mation commented 6 years ago

I tried both the Atreus preset in KLE and the Atreus62 KLE file made by jowe over on geekhack here

I'm also using the Blender Scene from the README.

The Atreus preset in KLE turns out better than the Atreus62, but neither appear to import correctly. Perhaps it is related to #36 somehow?

The Atreus preset seems mostly fine on the left-hand side, but the right-hand explodes out. A lot of the left-hand side also goes behind the backdrop. image

Here's the User Perspective preview pane rotated upward to show behind the backdrop. image

The Atreus62 one however appears to be straight up missing most keys. I'm not sure if that's a configuration issue in KLE or not truthfully.


Thanks for this tool, by the way! Despite not being able to render an Atreus62 as I wanted, I was able to successfully render out a regular 60% board to get an idea of the colors I'm looking at for the keycaps. Being able to see a "real world" example of the colors side-by-side was very helpful 😃

d4mation commented 6 years ago

Also, if it helps, I'm using this addon at ff731649234ff736df6eb6dd322b25e6d8a982e4 as I couldn't get the ZIP from the releases tab to install properly otherwise. It seems that it is extracting directly into the Addons Directory rather than to its own Directory within the Addons Directory when I use the latest Release ZIP:


Kirpal commented 6 years ago

The install bug should be fixed, working on the rotation now.

d4mation commented 6 years ago

That fixed it, thanks!