KirstieJane / OpenAdvice

A website providing agony aunt style advice to people who want to work openly but currently find themselves in a closed enviroment.
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Response for "My boss is determined to publish in a paywalled jounal. Is there anything I can do to make my paper available?" #5

Closed parnopaeus closed 7 years ago

parnopaeus commented 7 years ago

Please discuss self-archiving with your boss! Most reputable journals allow for the self-archiving of postprints or preprints in repositories. Search SHERPA/RoMEO for the journal title and see what the journal allows for self-archiving. Explain the benefits of making a version of the article Open Access, which includes potentially increased citations and attention for your paper as well as providing access to a version of your results for those who do not have subscriptions to the journal. These benefits can be particularly helpful for Early Career Researchers and increased attention can help you advance your career (which will make your boss look good too) while still adhering to your boss's requirement to publish in the paywalled journal.

daniellecrobinson commented 7 years ago


KirstieJane commented 7 years ago

On the site! Thank you @parnopaeus!

Added the benefits link to the resources session!