KirstieJane / STEMMRoleModels

Inspire future generations by providing the most exciting and diverse speakers for your conference.
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General Feedback #17

Open KirstieJane opened 8 years ago

KirstieJane commented 8 years ago

Please comment here if you're not sure where to put your thoughts!

Comments can include, but are not limited to:

grprtkal commented 8 years ago

Hi @KirstieJane,

I love the idea of this app -- a searchable database of diverse STEM researchers who could speak at conferences. We could very much use this in tech as well. This may be beyond the scope of the project but have you thought of having this database available for women in the tech space as well (developers, engineers, etc). We could very much use something like this! That could also help increase the visibility of the app.

Ryuno-Ki commented 8 years ago

Why an app? (see #7) Why not just pointing user to a website?

I mean, what additional benefits shall an app provide? Keep in mind that you'll have delays getting it through the app stores + the gatekeepers can remove the app without asking you first. Which OS do you target?

grprtkal commented 8 years ago

Hi @Ryuno-Ki,

By app, I meant a web app (not an iOS or Android mobile app). For a web app, you do not need to go through an app store. Also, the line between web app versus website is pretty subjective. By web app, I was referring to an interactive user experience rather than static content (as in the case of a site). A web app would also not be exclusive any particular OS.

Here's more info:

I hope that helps in clarifying.

Thanks, Gurpreet

KirstieJane commented 8 years ago

Thanks @grprtkal and thank you @Ryuno-Ki for asking!

The alternate (and honest answer) is that we developed the idea as part of the Rosalind Franklin appathon - which was designed to harness the power of mobile apps to support women in STEMM. We did receive very similar feedback to your (@Ryuno-Ki) question at our mentoring day, which is why we're taking the website/web app direction that @grprtkal outlined.

Then, there's one additional point that we'd like to curate testimonials for members of the project, and it might be easier to do that via an downloaded app rather than online (for example, if internet connectivity is sketchy in a conference center you could write the testimonial and upload it later.) This is a way stretch goal at the moment though. Just figured I'd let you know.

Ryuno-Ki commented 8 years ago

Um, Service Workers to the rescue :-)

grprtkal commented 8 years ago

Very cool @Ryuno-Ki.