Kisesy / gscan_quic

Google Quic 扫描工具
The Unlicense
347 stars 81 forks source link

目前我收集测试的共有17个域名解析到古狗cn,zebra180配置里只有10个,请MeABc加到zebra默认配置吧 #166

Open tomb003 opened 5 years ago

tomb003 commented 5 years ago

zebra的gae.json中: "SiteToAlias": { "": "google_cn", "": "google_cn", "": "google_cn", "": "google_cn", "": "google_cn", "": "google_cn", "*": "google_cn", "": "google_cn", "": "google_cn", "": "google_cn", "": "google_cn", "": "google_cn", "": "google_cn", "": "google_cn", "": "google_cn", "": "google_cn", "": "google_cn",

    "*": "google_hk",
    "*": "google_hk",
    "*": "google_hk",
    "*": "google_hk",
    "*": "google_hk",
    "*": "google_hk",
    "*": "google_hk",
    "*": "google_hk",
    "*": "google_hk",
    "*": "google_hk",
    "*": "google_hk",
    "*": "google_hk",
    "*": "google_hk",
    "*": "google_hk",
    "*": "google_hk",
    "": "google_hk",
    // "*": "google_hk",


blob2015 commented 5 years ago


MeABc commented 5 years ago

@tomb003 谢谢!下次更新加进去。

jasonliul commented 5 years ago

@MeABc 再多一个 "": "google_cn",

AnyWAT commented 5 years ago

@jasonliul 从昨天22时左右(准时)开始的 XX-Net 的DEAD时间(IPv6隧道貌似一直正常,约半小时以上才一切恢复正常),今天才发现SS SSR也同命,Z180可以打开YB首页但无法播放,可以谷歌,但上推报错: 502 Bad Gateway This Host header is not served from this network address. Due to an infrastructure change, this request cannot be processed.

jasonliul commented 5 years ago

只有ZB有问题, v2ray新增的quic也同样出错, 貌似干扰udp通道. 测试一下渣雷,速度相当可悲~~