Kisesy / gscan_quic

Google Quic 扫描工具
The Unlicense
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zebra频繁出现这三个问题 #171

Open happy1234367 opened 5 years ago

happy1234367 commented 5 years ago

{ "type": "localproxy", "host": "", "software": "zebra r180 (go/devel +259d5e7e0f Wed Aug 29 06:28:34 2018 +0800 windows/amd64)", "filter": "gae.Filter", "error": "net/http: HTTP/1.x transport connection broken: http: ContentLength=900 with Body length 0" } { "type": "localproxy", "host": "", "software": "zebra r180 (go/devel +259d5e7e0f Wed Aug 29 06:28:34 2018 +0800 windows/amd64)", "filter": "gae.Filter", "error": "EOF" } 还有一个,填入绑定的域名时出错

happy1234367 commented 5 years ago

还有 502 Bad Gateway This HTTP request has a Host header that is not covered by the TLS certificate used. Due to an infrastructure change, this request cannot be processed.

YL-Li commented 5 years ago

还有 502 Bad Gateway This HTTP request has a Host header that is not covered by the TLS certificate used. Due to an infrastructure change, this request cannot be processed.

@happy1234367 请问怎么解决

qwertccc commented 5 years ago
