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Day 1-2 Progress Update: Worldcoin Integration, Character Design, and Presentation Outline #1

Open AprilSevenWalker opened 5 hours ago

AprilSevenWalker commented 5 hours ago

Day 1 - 20.09.23: Researched how the game can integrate with Worldcoin and Flow blockchain technologies.

Day 2 - 21.09.23:

  1. Core Game Concept: System Building and Management

Basic Gameplay: System Management: Players build and maintain a hydroponic system rather than focusing on individual crops. Resource Allocation: Players must manage resources like water, energy, and nutrients to ensure the system remains functional. Efficiency Focus: Players will aim to optimize their system’s efficiency by balancing water usage, pH levels, energy input, and nutrient flow.

  1. Levels with Increasing Complexity

Easy Level: Players build a hydroponic system in a controlled, indoor environment (stable temperature, ideal conditions). Minimal resource challenges—focus on understanding basic components of the hydroponic system. Medium Level: Players manage a system in a greenhouse with variable environmental factors like temperature changes and sunlight availability. Players must adapt by adjusting resource inputs, especially energy consumption and water conservation. Hard Level: The hydroponic system is set in a more extreme outdoor environment where unpredictable weather, water scarcity, and energy costs are significant challenges. Advanced balancing of resources is required, and players must monitor and tweak multiple aspects of the system simultaneously.

  1. Blockchain Integration: Adding Value to the System

Tokenised Resource Management: Use blockchain tokens to represent limited resources such as water, energy, and nutrients. Players earn or trade tokens based on how well they manage their system's efficiency. Resource Tokens: Players can earn tokens for running their systems efficiently and trade tokens to unlock better equipment.

NFT-Based Upgrades: Mint NFTs for system components such as water pumps, filters, or energy-efficient lighting. Higher-level NFTs represent more efficient components, improving system performance in tougher environments. Governance Features: Players can vote on system-wide changes or upgrades using a governance token that rewards successful players. The community could vote on new system types, layouts, or environmental conditions to add more variety and complexity.

  1. Real-Life Data Integration

Weather APIs for Dynamic Environments: Integrate weather data (e.g., via OpenWeatherMap API) that dynamically adjusts the difficulty of the environment in medium and hard levels. Players need to respond to real-life weather conditions like droughts, storms, or temperature spikes, influencing how they allocate resources. IoT Data for Accurate System Monitoring: If feasible, integrate IoT data from actual hydroponic systems to provide real-time metrics for water usage, pH, and energy efficiency. This adds realism to the game as players monitor and manage these metrics directly.

  1. Levels of Challenge Based on Environmental Variables

Easy: Indoor controlled systems with pre-configured optimal settings. Medium: Greenhouse with fluctuating sunlight and temperature—players must monitor water and energy consumption more carefully. Hard: Outdoor with real-time weather data affecting water supply, nutrient availability, and overall system stability. Players must innovate and upgrade their systems to handle tough environmental conditions.

AprilSevenWalker commented 2 hours ago

Day 2: Working on wireframe for game play user flow.

Onboarding & Introduction: Players are introduced to the game's concept: solving global food sustainability issues through hydroponics. Task: Players choose their starting region (City, Remote, Desert). Blockchain: Players will mint NFTs as they progress. Level Selection

Players select their environment: City (Easy), Remote (Medium), Desert (Hard). Each region presents distinct challenges. Knowledge Check

Players answer basic hydroponics questions before starting the game. Reward: Unlock a Basic Hydroponics Kit (NFT) after passing. Main Gameplay

Players manage water, energy, and nutrients based on the selected environment. Challenge: Real-world data integration (e.g., weather) influences gameplay. Blockchain: Players earn tokens for efficient management, unlocking higher-level components (NFTs). Progression

Players face increasing challenges as they progress, unlocking new components and advanced features. Reward: Successful management leads to unlocking and minting new hydroponic components (NFTs). Rewards & NFT Minting

Players are rewarded for system efficiency by unlocking components as NFTs. Endgame & Summary

Players receive a summary of their performance, resource management, and a global leaderboard ranking. Key Features:

Clean, engaging UI. Real-time feedback on gameplay. Blockchain integration with NFTs for game rewards.

AprilSevenWalker commented 2 hours ago

Competitor Analysis Title: Competitor Landscape Content: FarmVille: A casual farming game with no real-world educational value or blockchain integration. Stardew Valley: Fun and engaging but lacks real-world applications like hydroponics and ownership via NFTs. Hydroponic Simulation Games: Existing games lack blockchain rewards, dynamic real-world challenges, or decentralized ownership. Our Advantage: Hydrofi combines blockchain technology, real-world education, and interactive gameplay in a way that traditional farming games cannot, with real ownership through NFTs and token incentives.