KitCat420 / enhancedcombathud-pf1

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"draw/sheathe weapon" button behavior. #3

Open Sailor-Munder opened 3 months ago

Sailor-Munder commented 3 months ago

I have a little suggestion for drawing/sheathing weapon sets.

Currently, once you choose the weapon set, weapons in it are by default considered "equipped" by the system, so pressing "draw/sheathe weapon" does nothing in this regard (except spending action, which is already good enough ngl) for the current weapon set.

It would be more intuitive to allow the "draw/sheathe weapon" button to actually equip or unequip weapons in the selected weapon set (and maybe add some visual representation for the equipped or unequipped status of the weapons displayed in the set).

KitCat420 commented 3 months ago

I have stewed on this for a while now, but no solution I have come up with makes it feel really useful to me. Equipping/unequipping in the current system just isn't really useful, and the weapon sets to a degree are already doing this anyway, so limiting it to those wouldn't really add any functionality, whereas making it a weapon picker for your entire inventory wouldn't just add a ton of UI complexity, it would also clash with the weapon sets.

I'll leave this open for the time being while I think about it, but at this time I'm not really sure of a proper way to make the button do more than it currently does that is ultimately useful.