KitWallace / planningapplications

Stuff for analysing BCC planning applications
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Test running in iframe #30

Closed KitWallace closed 6 years ago

KitWallace commented 6 years ago

Hmm Interesting . seems embedding is more powerful than I thought but..

Here is my iframed version with the iframe sized to 80%

this works OK, with all pages contained in the frame , pages with target set leaving the frame.

However the site is no longer deep linkable - so you cannot deep link into the site - ie. to a specific planning application, from say an article on the TBS site or in an email or elsewhere. You could of course use the reference into the original site but that would be very confusing.

also styling is not inherited so CSS conformat to the TBS site would have to be coded into the planning site anyway

KitWallace commented 6 years ago

The user view is running at this address

Lots of changes to the style sheets and a section on the index file for group-specific formatting

however, lack of deep linking also means that admin users cant link into an admin section on the site

wondering if I can detect that the site is embedded and thus to change the styling - eg add the logo (but placement of maps would also need to change - but is there a better way? Seems like you cant tell server-side if the site is being access from an iframe :(

KitWallace commented 6 years ago

base website is responsive - at least it adapts to smartphones - TBS is not

KitWallace commented 6 years ago

Neither the text controller or the screen reader work in the iframe