KitaPlatzZentrale / kpz

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Implement Area Signup and adjust FE for new email service #84

Closed McHeisenburglar closed 1 year ago

Darjusch commented 1 year ago

Adjust Frontend to send data according to the agreed interface.

Area notification: ( Dev and Production )

Darjusch commented 1 year ago

email: string;
areaDescription: string // this makes no fucking sense so this will be iterated on
createdAt: string (ISO Date);
consentedAt: string (ISO Date) // same as createdAt, important to track this separately for GDPR reasons
revokedAt?: string (ISO Date) | null;


interface EmailProps {
  detail: {
    fullDocument: {
      email: string;
      areaDescription: string;
      consentId: string;
      createdAt: string;
      consentedAt: string; // same as createdAt, important to track this separately for GDPR reasons
      revokedAt?: string | null;
Darjusch commented 1 year ago
