Kitt-AI / snowboy

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Undefined model type detected for pretrained universal Alexa model #296

Open anthonyray opened 6 years ago

anthonyray commented 6 years ago

I successfully installed and configure the Conexant 4-mic array on a Raspberry Pi.

I'm trying to use Snowboy as a wakewordAgent, with the pretrained model optimized for Alexa AVS sample app (resources/alexa/alexa-avs-sample-app/alexa.umdl) you provide (

The sensitivity is set to 0.6, and ApplyFrontend is set to true.

I get the following stacktrace after recompiling and launching the ./wakeWordAgent -e kitt_ai command.

INFO:main: Starting Wake Word Agent
INFO:WakeWordAgent: State set to IDLE(2)
ERROR (ClassifyModels() PipelineDetect: undefined model type detected. Most likely you provided the wrong model.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  ERROR (ClassifyModels() PipelineDetect: undefined model type detected. Most likely you provided the wrong model.

[stack trace: ]
./wakeWordAgent(_ZN7snowboy13GetStackTraceEv+0x34) [0xb1b84]
./wakeWordAgent(_ZN7snowboy13SnowboyLogMsgD1Ev+0x4b8) [0xb21c4]
./wakeWordAgent(_ZN7snowboy14PipelineDetect14ClassifyModelsERKSsPSsS3_+0x354) [0xa7298]
./wakeWordAgent(_ZN7snowboy14PipelineDetect8SetModelERKSs+0x158) [0xa7640]
./wakeWordAgent(_ZN7snowboy13SnowboyDetectC1ERKSsS2_+0x88) [0x914f4]
./wakeWordAgent(_ZN13AlexaWakeWord21WakeWordEngineFactory12createEngineEPNS_25WakeWordDetectedInterfaceENS0_10EngineTypeE+0x94) [0x7fdac]
./wakeWordAgent(_ZN13AlexaWakeWord13WakeWordAgentC2ENS_21WakeWordEngineFactory10EngineTypeENS_18WakeWordIPCFactory7IPCTypeE+0x204) [0x7b324]
./wakeWordAgent(_Z11make_uniqueIN13AlexaWakeWord13WakeWordAgentEIRNS0_21WakeWordEngineFactory10EngineTypeENS0_18WakeWordIPCFactory7IPCTypeEEESt10unique_ptrIT_St14default_deleteIS8_EEDpOT0_+0x54) [0x7a9a8]
./wakeWordAgent(main+0x168) [0x7a2d4]
/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ [0x76b0c294]


Thanks for your help ✌🏾

chenguoguo commented 6 years ago

It could be that your model has been corrupted. What is the size of your alexa.umdl?