Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 28, in <module>
detector = snowboydecoder_arecord.HotwordDetector(models, sensitivity=sensit ivity)
File "/home/pi/snowboy2/examples/Python/", line 86, i n _init_
"(%d) does not match" % (self.num_hotwords, len(sensitivity))
AssertionError: number of hotwords in decoder_model (4) and sensitivity (3) does not match
Hi, I got this error while I tried to implement neoya.umdl over snowboy.umdl and I have no idea why counting screws up and spits this error.
Hi, I got this error while I tried to implement neoya.umdl over snowboy.umdl and I have no idea why counting screws up and spits this error.