KittyCAD / modeling-app

The KittyCAD modeling app.
MIT License
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`serial_test_import_glb` rust test is flaky #2396

Open jessfraz opened 1 month ago

jessfraz commented 1 month ago

when the rust tests fail its usually becuase of this test, which is weird since it passes sometimes too

not the biggest priority but want to rule out its a symptom of something bigger, cc @alteous

jessfraz commented 1 month ago

it might just be we've changed the format and need to update the file idk

alteous commented 1 month ago

It looks like it has something to do with the websocket timing out:

david@kittycad:~/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib$ cargo test import
warning: profiles for the non root package will be ignored, specify profiles at the workspace root:
package:   /home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib/kcl/Cargo.toml
workspace: /home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib/Cargo.toml
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.09s
     Running unittests src/ (target/debug/deps/wasm_lib-9de5fe303678f21e)

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

     Running tests/executor/ (target/debug/deps/executor-9933be4422ced090)

running 8 tests
test serial_test_import_file_doesnt_exist ... ok
test serial_test_import_ext_doesnt_match ... ok
test serial_test_import_obj_with_mtl_units ... FAILED
test serial_test_import_gltf_embedded ... ok
test serial_test_import_gltf_with_bin ... ok
test serial_test_import_glb_no_assign ... ok
test serial_test_import_obj_with_mtl ... ok
test serial_test_import_glb ... ok


---- serial_test_import_obj_with_mtl_units stdout ----
Current working directory: "/home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib"
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_import_obj_with_mtl_units' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([14, 81])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace


test result: FAILED. 7 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 83 filtered out; finished in 6.06s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--test executor`
david@kittycad:~/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib$ cargo test import
warning: profiles for the non root package will be ignored, specify profiles at the workspace root:
package:   /home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib/kcl/Cargo.toml
workspace: /home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib/Cargo.toml
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.09s
     Running unittests src/ (target/debug/deps/wasm_lib-9de5fe303678f21e)

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

     Running tests/executor/ (target/debug/deps/executor-9933be4422ced090)

running 8 tests
test serial_test_import_file_doesnt_exist ... ok
test serial_test_import_ext_doesnt_match ... ok
test serial_test_import_glb_no_assign ... FAILED
test serial_test_import_gltf_with_bin ... FAILED
test serial_test_import_gltf_embedded ... ok
test serial_test_import_obj_with_mtl_units ... ok
test serial_test_import_glb ... ok
test serial_test_import_obj_with_mtl ... ok


---- serial_test_import_glb_no_assign stdout ----
Current working directory: "/home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib"
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_import_glb_no_assign' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([0, 40])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

---- serial_test_import_gltf_with_bin stdout ----
Current working directory: "/home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib"
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_import_gltf_with_bin' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([14, 55])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }


test result: FAILED. 6 passed; 2 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 83 filtered out; finished in 5.11s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--test executor`
alteous commented 1 month ago

It looks like lots of other tests are failing with the same cause:

david@kittycad:~/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib$ cargo test
warning: profiles for the non root package will be ignored, specify profiles at the workspace root:
package:   /home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib/kcl/Cargo.toml
workspace: /home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib/Cargo.toml
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.09s
     Running unittests src/ (target/debug/deps/wasm_lib-9de5fe303678f21e)

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

     Running tests/executor/ (target/debug/deps/executor-9933be4422ced090)

running 91 tests
test serial_test_cube_mm ... FAILED
test serial_test_big_number_angle_to_match_length_y ... FAILED
test serial_test_cube_yd ... FAILED
test serial_test_cube_ft ... FAILED
test serial_test_close_arc ... FAILED
test serial_test_basic_fillet_cube_start ... FAILED
test serial_test_basic_revolve_circle ... FAILED
test serial_test_big_number_angle_to_match_length_x ... FAILED
test serial_test_basic_tangential_arc_with_point ... FAILED
test serial_test_basic_tangential_arc_to ... FAILED
test serial_test_bracket_with_fillets_ensure_fail_on_flush_source_ranges ... ok
test serial_test_execute_pipes_on_pipes ... ignored
test serial_test_basic_fillet_cube_previous_adjacent ... FAILED
test serial_test_cube_in ... FAILED
test serial_test_execute_kittycad_svg ... FAILED
test serial_test_error_sketch_on_arc_face ... ok
test serial_test_execute_engine_error_return ... ok
test serial_test_execute_with_angled_line ... FAILED
test serial_test_empty_file_is_ok ... ok
test serial_test_execute_parametric_with_tan_arc_example ... FAILED
test serial_test_basic_tangential_arc ... ok
test serial_test_cube_cm ... ok
test serial_test_import_file_doesnt_exist ... ok
test serial_test_import_ext_doesnt_match ... ok
test serial_test_basic_fillet_cube_next_adjacent ... ok
test optional_params ... ok
test serial_test_fillet_duplicate_tags ... ok
test serial_test_basic_fillet_cube_close_opposite ... ok
test serial_test_basic_fillet_cube_end ... ok
test serial_test_cube_m ... ok
test serial_test_dimensions_match ... ok
test serial_test_execute_cylinder ... ok
test serial_test_execute_i_shape ... ok
test serial_test_execute_parametric_example ... ok
test serial_test_different_planes_same_drawing ... ok
test serial_test_execute_with_function_sketch ... ok
test serial_test_execute_with_function_sketch_with_position ... ok
test serial_test_helix_ccw ... ok
test serial_test_helix_with_length ... ok
test serial_test_holes ... ok
test serial_test_helix_defaults ... ok
test serial_test_helix_defaults_negative_extrude ... ok
test serial_test_import_glb ... ok
test serial_test_import_obj_with_mtl ... ok
test serial_test_import_glb_no_assign ... ok
test serial_test_import_gltf_embedded ... ok
test serial_test_import_gltf_with_bin ... ok
test serial_test_import_obj_with_mtl_units ... ok
test serial_test_lots_of_planes ... ok
test serial_test_patterns_linear_basic_negative_distance ... FAILED
test serial_test_member_expression_in_params ... ok
test serial_test_member_expression_sketch_group ... ok
test serial_test_revolve_bad_angle_low ... FAILED
test serial_test_patterns_circular_3d_tilted_axis ... ok
test serial_test_plumbus_fillets ... FAILED
test serial_test_revolve_on_edge_get_edge ... FAILED
test serial_test_negative_args ... ok
test serial_test_revolve_bad_angle_high ... ok
test serial_test_revolve_on_face_circle_edge ... FAILED
test serial_test_patterns_circular_basic_3d ... ok
test serial_test_mike_stress_lines ... ok
test serial_test_patterns_linear_basic_3d ... ok
test serial_test_patterns_linear_basic_holes ... ok
test serial_test_patterns_circular_basic_2d ... ok
test serial_test_patterns_linear_basic ... ok
test serial_test_pentagon_fillet_sugar ... ok
test serial_test_pentagon_fillet_desugar ... ok
test serial_test_patterns_linear_basic_negative_axis ... ok
test serial_test_revolve_on_edge ... ok
test serial_test_patterns_linear_basic_with_math ... ok
test serial_test_revolve_on_face ... ok
test serial_test_revolve_on_face_circle ... ok
test serial_test_rounded_with_holes ... ok
test serial_test_simple_revolve_custom_angle ... ok
test serial_test_simple_revolve ... ok
test serial_test_stdlib_kcl_error_circle ... ok
test serial_test_riddle_small ... ok
test serial_test_simple_revolve_custom_axis ... ok
test serial_test_stdlib_kcl_error_right_code_path ... ok
test serial_test_simple_revolve_negative ... ok
test serial_test_simple_revolve_sketch_on_edge ... ok
test serial_test_sketch_on_face ... ok
test serial_test_simple_revolve_uppercase ... ok
test serial_test_sketch_on_face_circle ... ok
test serial_test_sketch_on_face_end ... ok
test serial_test_sketch_on_face_circle_tagged ... ok
test serial_test_sketch_on_face_end_negative_extrude ... ok
test serial_test_sketch_on_face_start ... ok
test serial_test_sketch_on_face_of_face ... ok
test serial_test_lego ... ok
test serial_test_top_level_expression ... ok


---- serial_test_cube_mm stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_cube_mm' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([41, 60])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }

---- serial_test_big_number_angle_to_match_length_y stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_big_number_angle_to_match_length_y' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([16, 35])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

---- serial_test_cube_yd stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_cube_yd' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([41, 60])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }

---- serial_test_cube_ft stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_cube_ft' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([41, 60])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }

---- serial_test_close_arc stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_close_arc' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([70, 89])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }

---- serial_test_basic_fillet_cube_start stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_basic_fillet_cube_start' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([16, 35])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }

---- serial_test_basic_revolve_circle stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_basic_revolve_circle' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([18, 37])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }

---- serial_test_big_number_angle_to_match_length_x stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_big_number_angle_to_match_length_x' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([16, 35])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }

---- serial_test_basic_tangential_arc_with_point stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_basic_tangential_arc_with_point' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([18, 39])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }

---- serial_test_basic_tangential_arc_to stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_basic_tangential_arc_to' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([18, 39])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }

---- serial_test_basic_fillet_cube_previous_adjacent stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_basic_fillet_cube_previous_adjacent' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([16, 35])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }

---- serial_test_cube_in stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_cube_in' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([41, 60])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }

---- serial_test_execute_kittycad_svg stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_execute_kittycad_svg' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([12, 31])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }

---- serial_test_execute_with_angled_line stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_execute_with_angled_line' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([16, 35])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }

---- serial_test_execute_parametric_with_tan_arc_example stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_execute_parametric_with_tan_arc_example' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([301, 322])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }

---- serial_test_patterns_linear_basic_negative_distance stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_patterns_linear_basic_negative_distance' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([13, 32])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }

---- serial_test_revolve_bad_angle_low stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_revolve_bad_angle_low' panicked at tests/executor/
assertion `left == right` failed
  left: "engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([16, 35])], message: \"Modeling command failed: websocket closed early\" }"
 right: "semantic: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([278, 314])], message: \"Expected angle to be between -360 and 360, found `-455`\" }"

---- serial_test_plumbus_fillets stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_plumbus_fillets' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([307, 326])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }

---- serial_test_revolve_on_edge_get_edge stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_revolve_on_edge_get_edge' panicked at tests/executor/
assertion `left == right` failed
  left: "engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([12, 31])], message: \"Modeling command failed: websocket closed early\" }"
 right: "engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([349, 409])], message: \"Modeling command failed: Some([ApiError { error_code: InternalEngine, message: \\\"Solid3D revolve failed:  sketch profile must lie entirely on one side of the revolution axis\\\" }])\" }"

---- serial_test_revolve_on_face_circle_edge stdout ----
got error message: {
  "error_code": "bad_request",
  "message": "Too many active connections, only 2 allowed per user."
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_revolve_on_face_circle_edge' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([12, 31])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }


test result: FAILED. 70 passed; 20 failed; 1 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 16.21s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--test executor`
alteous commented 1 month ago

If the websocket is timing out, it's unsurprising that it would do so when importing geometry because that can be a slow operation.

jessfraz commented 1 month ago

you arent running them serially (the glb one is the only flaky one the others fail w too many connections), so yes the websocket is timing out for that one but it didn't before and thats the weird thing... like is it a symptom of something else it has 60 seconds to import the file, that seems excessive

jessfraz commented 1 month ago

also get this quite often

Current working directory: "/home/runner/work/modeling-app/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib"
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake
Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
test serial_test_import_glb ... FAILED

that means the server is closing it not us... i just think something is suspicious

alteous commented 1 month ago

With --test-threads 1 I was able to produce this :smile:

david@kittycad:~/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib$ cargo test import -- --test-threads 1 --nocapture
warning: profiles for the non root package will be ignored, specify profiles at the workspace root:
package:   /home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib/kcl/Cargo.toml
workspace: /home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib/Cargo.toml
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.09s
     Running unittests src/ (target/debug/deps/wasm_lib-9de5fe303678f21e)

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

     Running tests/executor/ (target/debug/deps/executor-9933be4422ced090)

running 8 tests
test serial_test_import_ext_doesnt_match ... Current working directory: "/home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib"
test serial_test_import_file_doesnt_exist ... Current working directory: "/home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib"
test serial_test_import_glb ... Current working directory: "/home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib"
got ws error: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

Caused by:
    Connection reset without closing handshake
thread 'serial_test_import_glb' panicked at tests/executor/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: engine: KclErrorDetails { source_ranges: [SourceRange([14, 54])], message: "Modeling command failed: websocket closed early" }
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
test serial_test_import_glb_no_assign ... Current working directory: "/home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib"
test serial_test_import_gltf_embedded ... Current working directory: "/home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib"
test serial_test_import_gltf_with_bin ... Current working directory: "/home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib"
test serial_test_import_obj_with_mtl ... Current working directory: "/home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib"
test serial_test_import_obj_with_mtl_units ... Current working directory: "/home/david/kc-repos/modeling-app/src/wasm-lib"



test result: FAILED. 7 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 83 filtered out; finished in 12.15s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--test executor`
jessfraz commented 1 month ago

another fun fact, you can run against a local engine w LOCAL_ENGINE_ADDR=http://system76-pc:8080 but like point to yours haha

alteous commented 1 month ago

I'm not able to reproduce this locally anymore. Is this still a problem?