KittyCAD / modeling-app

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Exporting STL from web app produces file unreadable by orcaslicer #3416

Closed yeroca closed 4 weeks ago

yeroca commented 4 weeks ago

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I exported this model as an STL file, but when I try to import it to orcaslicer, I get an error saying the file doesn't contain any geometry data. However, if I export as a STEP file, it works fine.


Core Dump [coredump-d5ad8c5b-6329-4d5c-aef2-b5935776885c.json]( Reference ID: d5ad8c5b-6329-4d5c-aef2-b5935776885c
jessfraz commented 4 weeks ago

I think this is the dupliocate file execution bug

jessfraz commented 4 weeks ago

can you paste the code please?

yeroca commented 4 weeks ago
const holeFudge = 0.4
const frontBarD = 5.0
const yBarD = 6.7
const lowerBlockHoleD = frontBarD + holeFudge
const upperBlockHoleD = yBarD + holeFudge
const tubeClr = 1.5
const lowerBlockH = lowerBlockHoleD + 2 * tubeClr
const upperBlockH = upperBlockHoleD + 2 * tubeClr
const elevateH = 20
const upperBlockL = 25
const lowerBlockL = 35
const length002 = upperBlockL
const blockSz = max(upperBlockH, lowerBlockH)
const sketch001 = startSketchOn('XZ')
  |> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
  |> xLine(upperBlockL, %, $edge1)
  |> yLine(-(elevateH + blockSz), %, $edge2)
  |> xLine(lowerBlockL - blockSz, %, $edge3)
  |> yLine(-blockSz, %, $edge4)
  |> xLine(-lowerBlockL, %, $edge5)
  |> yLine(blockSz + elevateH, %, $edge6)
  |> xLine(-(upperBlockL - blockSz), %, $edge7)
  |> lineTo([profileStartX(%), profileStartY(%)], %, $seg01)
  |> close(%)
  |> hole(circle([
       upperBlockL + lowerBlockL - blockSz - (lowerBlockHoleD / 2) - tubeClr,
       -(blockSz + elevateH + blockSz / 2)
     ], lowerBlockHoleD / 2, %), %)
const rad = 3
const extrude001 = extrude(blockSz, sketch001)
  |> fillet({
       radius: rad,
       tags: [
     }, %)

const sketch002 = startSketchOn(extrude001, seg01)
  |> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
  |> circle([blockSz / 2, blockSz / 2], upperBlockHoleD / 2, %)
const extrude2 = extrude(-upperBlockL, sketch002)
jessfraz commented 4 weeks ago

okay whoa this helps this is def an export bug, cc @alteous

this is a real export but not the react thing i thought it was

alteous commented 4 weeks ago

@yeroca , thanks for reporting! This was a fun one to debug. :smile:

I was able to reproduce the issue and found both a workaround and a solution. The workaround is to export binary STL instead, which does work. There is an option for this in the export tool:


I believe the issue is with OrcaSlicer's ASCII STL importer which is built on top of an older library called admesh. Specifically, it has an upper limit on the number of digits for components in a normal vector:

char normal_buf[3][32];
fscanf(fp, " facet normal %31s %31s %31s", normal_buf[0], normal_buf[1], normal_buf[2]);

For compatibility with admesh, we could truncate our normals to 10 decimal places. That should be more than enough precision anyway. This allowed the file to load when I tried locally.

alteous commented 4 weeks ago

For future reference, the offending line was:

facet normal -1 0.0000000000000000000000553211 0.00000000000000017587692
yeroca commented 4 weeks ago

Interesting! Thanks for the info. So much for being precise! (in ASCII at least)

Checking my existing STL files produced by OpenSCAD, I see they are all binary. I never bothered to look inside them before.

jessfraz commented 4 weeks ago

we will get the fix pushed by tomorrow AM!

jessfraz commented 4 weeks ago

fix is deploying!

jessfraz commented 4 weeks ago

I just tried it and it is now fixed thanks @alteous and thanks for letting us know @yeroca !