KittyCAD / modeling-app

The KittyCAD modeling app.
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start sketch not letting me pick the end face of the extrude (linux) #4390

Open jgomez720 opened 3 weeks ago

jgomez720 commented 3 weeks ago


This comes from @r-barton. This was part of his November CAD Challenge Feedback. Ryan, if you have anything to add go for it.



r-barton commented 3 weeks ago

KCL code

// no snapping to origin
// no mirroring in the UI
// no angled line of x or y length in the UI
// scroll to zoom to cursor position would be nice (a la solidworks)
// grid is too sparse
// typing pipes suck (tab to pipe? or some other hotkey)
// editing a sketch with an arc just shows a straight line where the arc is
// no construction line to define an axis to mirror
// mirror appears broken for custom axis (abandoning a mirroring approach)
// no dimensioning across multiple entities
// can't select line that is on top of axis
// can't set constraints for a line connecting back to the profile start
// start sketch not letting me pick the end face of the extrude (linux)
// can't constrain while in the middle of sketching, need to exit first then re-enter
// can't convert entities to sketch entities or select solid features for starting a sketch

angle001 = 45
length001 = 40 - 10 - 20
length002 = 40 - 10
length003 = 10
length004 = length003
length005 = length002
length006 = length001
distance001 = 30
sketch001 = startSketchOn('XZ')
  |> startProfileAt([0, 0], %) // code intervention
  |> angledLineOfXLength({ angle: 45, length: 10 }, %) // code intervention
  |> xLine(length001, %)
  |> yLine(length002, %)
  |> xLine(length003, %)
  |> arc({
       // code intervention
       angleStart: 180,
       angleEnd: 360,
       radius: 10
     }, %)
  |> xLine(length004, %)
  |> yLine(-length005, %)
  |> xLine(length006, %)
  |> angledLineOfXLength({ angle: -45, length: 10 }, %) // code intervention
  |> lineTo([profileStartX(%), profileStartY(%)], %)
  |> close(%)

extrude001 = extrude(distance001, sketch001)
r-barton commented 3 weeks ago

r-barton commented 3 weeks ago
