KittyGiraudel / SJSJ

Simplified JavaScript Jargon
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[RFR] Added the chrome extension url to README file #125

Closed ismnoiet closed 8 years ago

ismnoiet commented 8 years ago

Add the url of a chrome extension created specifically for same purpose of SJSJ. A chrome extension with an easy and simple to use interface.

KittyGiraudel commented 8 years ago

Very nice, thanks for doing that. :)

Would be nice to see it on the Chrome Extension Store.

ismnoiet commented 8 years ago

Thank you @HugoGiraudel i'll add it to the chrome store as soon as i solve the problem with my chrome developer account.

KittyGiraudel commented 8 years ago


Another idea for your extension: when opening a new tab, display a SJSJ entry randomly.

ismnoiet commented 8 years ago

+1 Awesome I have some cool ideas also that i'll be adding soon.

KittyGiraudel commented 8 years ago

For the record, there is now a Node.js script inside the repository to export all the entries as JSON:

ismnoiet commented 8 years ago

hhh, this was my next question, thank you. By the way, i've used a simple php script to generate the json output.