KittyGiraudel / SJSJ

Simplified JavaScript Jargon
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Sort all terms in alphabetical order #141

Closed Yeti-or closed 8 years ago

Yeti-or commented 8 years ago


Ramda: a practical functional library for JavaScript programmers.
React: a library developed and used at Facebook for building user interfaces.
Redux: a predictable state container for apps.
Revealing Module Pattern: a design pattern conceptually based on the Module Pattern. The only difference is that the revealing module pattern was engineered as a way to ensure that all methods and variables are kept private until they are explicitly exposed.
RxJS: a library for asynchronous programming using observable streams.
Require.js: a browser based module loader using AMD.


Ramda: a practical functional library for JavaScript programmers.
React: a library developed and used at Facebook for building user interfaces.
Redux: a predictable state container for apps.
Require.js: a browser based module loader using AMD.
Revealing Module Pattern: a design pattern conceptually based on the Module Pattern. The only difference is that the revealing module pattern was engineered as a way to ensure that all methods and variables are kept private until they are explicitly exposed.
RxJS: a library for asynchronous programming using observable streams.
KittyGiraudel commented 8 years ago

Fixed. :)