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Tabs or Spaces #105

Closed gccumber closed 5 years ago

gccumber commented 5 years ago

@HugoGiraudel Hot button topic coming at ya! Tabs or spaces and why? I've been in debates with people, sometimes heated, over which is the proper way. Would love your slant.

KittyGiraudel commented 5 years ago

I prefer spaces, but I’m not precious as long as it’s consistent and enforced with Prettier. :)

icylace commented 2 years ago

I, too, prefer spaces but the best argument I've come across in favor of tabs is with regards to accessibility.

This Reddit post discusses how using tabs effectively addresses the accessibility concerns of two developers with different visual impairments working on the same team and same projects together. One developer uses a huge font size so they need to have a smaller indentation size to be able to work well, while the other developer uses a much larger indentation size to be able to work well. The flexibility of tabs naturally accommodates this scenario.