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Ampersand logic in mixin. #85

Closed dimondevs closed 6 years ago

dimondevs commented 7 years ago

Hi Hugo. I really admire your creativity and effort to contribution to SASS and development in general. I follow your case studies and actively use them in my projects.

I’ve got task to make theming for web site earlier this week. I’ve searched for it in google and found a good solution in your article. I modified it a bit and found a solution to my issue. The only problem is connected with conflict in mixin which belong to you also @mixin on-event(). When I adding the class .no-touchevents to it I’m excluding event on touch devices. Here is the sample with this issue: example.

To sum up, it comes out that .t-dark and .no-touchevents were added to html tag but mixin generates .t-dark .no-touchevents cascade. It would be great to get something like finally:

.card {
  color: #fff;
.t-dark .card {
  color: #000;
.no-touchevents .card:hover {
  color: #000;
} .card:hover {
  color: #fff;

I will really appreciate to get reply from you and solve this issue. Thanks a lot.

KittyGiraudel commented 7 years ago

Hello and thank you for the kind words. I think this would be a way to work around this problem: What do you think?

dimondevs commented 7 years ago

More thanks for the prompt reply. On sassmeister works as it is necessary, and here at me on node-sass swears.

Error: Invalid null operation: "".t-dark " plus null".
        on line 188 of markup/static/scss/entry/abstracts/_mixins.scss
>>             '.t-#{$theme} ' + &

Why does he think that there is not a line, but shows null?

KittyGiraudel commented 7 years ago

Which version are you running?

dimondevs commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I updated the gulp-sass and it all worked. You are a wonderful person. Thank you for your help!

KittyGiraudel commented 7 years ago

Glad I could help. :)

dimondevs commented 6 years ago

Good afternoon dear Hugo. Thank you for your help last time. But there was a problem. Everything was fine until I added new rules via commas. Because of this, t-dark is placed only on the first in the list, and then ignored. Could you help me with this? Example problem 1

KittyGiraudel commented 6 years ago

Alright, let’s do it the clean way then.

@mixin themify($themes) {
  @each $theme-name, $theme-map in $themes {
    $selector: if(
      selector-append('.t-#{$theme-name}', &),
      selector-nest('.t-#{$theme-name}', &)

    @at-root #{$selector} {
      $theme-map: $theme-map !global;
      $theme-map: () !global;

I also took the liberty to prune your code a little bit. You were doing unnecessary manipulations. :)

dimondevs commented 6 years ago

Very interesting, thanks for this prompt decision.

KittyGiraudel commented 6 years ago

For the record, here is the documentation for these two selector functions:

dimondevs commented 6 years ago

Yes, I read about them even earlier. But did not understand where exactly the problem. In sass as it is difficult to debug the code.

KittyGiraudel commented 6 years ago

A few tips:

dimondevs commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your help. I will definitely try to use your advice in the matter.