KittyPBoxx / pokeemerald-net-demo

Demo of emerald network functions using a connection to a wii
MIT License
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Gamecube version? #2

Open Arlisbloxer05 opened 1 month ago

Arlisbloxer05 commented 1 month ago

Would it be possible for a version of this be able to be done for the Gamecube? Seeing as how it has a Broadband Adapter attachment (two of them if you count the ETH2GC attachment as well) and how similar the GC and Wii hardware are between each other there shouldn't be any huge hurdles to make a GC-based version. I'd be willing to help with testing as I have all the needed hardware on my Gamecube!

KittyPBoxx commented 1 month ago

I did make a test gamecube version, with no ui, and the gba to gamecube communication was at least working. I'll look into getting it working after the next release (which I want to do soon because there's some important bug fixes).

Oinkers8 commented 1 month ago

I was actually going to ask about this as well. It would be really cool to see a GameCube version of this happen.

KittyPBoxx commented 1 month ago @Arlisbloxer05

I've ported a version of the channel over to Gamecube. It only allows 2 GBA's connected at the same time in port 2/3, Port 1 is reserved for a Gamecube controller.

It works on dolphin and I tested everything except networking on a Gamecube (as I don't have the hardware to properly test it). If you can confirm it works I'll include a copy in the next release.

The publicly accessible test server is currently at if you want to check with real world latency (although it's not always online as it's just a free micro instance)

Arlisbloxer05 commented 1 month ago

Cool! i'll give it a look and let you know if i run into any issues

Arlisbloxer05 commented 1 month ago

Okay so here's how the tests went: I wasn't able to connect to the test server at first but after doing a bit of wire reconnecting, it worked! I was able to do a trade, access the mart, do a trainer battle, and i got the gift egg. Overall, it worked pretty well!

Only things I found to be an issue were that the network settings didn't save to the SD card I was using (I tried a GCLoader, SDGecko, and SD2SP2, neither one saved the config) and I had no way to exit back to swiss, but I'm assuming those weren't implimented since this was just a quick test build. Still, things to consider for a proper release I suppose!

KittyPBoxx commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the feedback!

Save settings isn't on the wii channel yet either. Network info is actually being sent from the pokemon game so in the future manually setting the ip shouldn't be needed at all. But being able to save config would be a nice feature for both versions if an sd card is present.

I didn't know it was possible to exit back to swiss as all the old homebrew basically did the same thing as pressing the reset button. Apparently it's a 'newer' swiss feature (December 2020) so it shouldn't be too hard to add that in.

The only thing that would worry me a little is the initial failed connection. If it's just the connection that's fine but I've heard the original broadband adapter hardware takes a little while to start up. I wonder if the first request after boot will often end up hitting the 3 second timeout.

Arlisbloxer05 commented 1 month ago

The initial connection was mainly due to my connection set-up, I don't have an ethernet port readily accessible in my room so I have to use internet connection sharing, I also needed to switch my ethernet cables too because the one I was using was a bit damaged but that was completely unrelated lol

Jaypay commented 3 weeks ago

Hey thank you for this project and the GameCube build. Just wanted to chime in I know Wii is priority but the option to do GameCube would be nice.

Did a test run on both systems didn’t get a chance to trade but the shop, eggs and bot battle went well. No issues connecting with the GameCube broadband adapter either!