Open MohamedT-Silverkey opened 2 years ago
Hi everyone,
I'm going to implement the Triple-DES to encrypt a password and I'm using the following command to validate the encryption output.
but I got a different encryption result.
Here's my code
func tripleDesEncrypt(inputStr: String, keyStr: String) -> String? { let key = CryptoUtils.byteArray(fromHex: keyStr) let iv = CryptoUtils.byteArray(fromHex: "0000000000000000") let plainText = CryptoUtils.byteArray(fromHex: inputStr) var textToCipher = plainText if plainText.count % Cryptor.Algorithm.tripleDes.blockSize != 0 { textToCipher = CryptoUtils.zeroPad(byteArray: plainText, blockSize: Cryptor.Algorithm.tripleDes.blockSize) } do { let cipherText = try Cryptor(operation: .encrypt, algorithm: .tripleDes, options: .pkcs7Padding, key: key, iv: iv).update(byteArray: textToCipher)?.final() print(CryptoUtils.hexString(from: cipherText!)) } catch let error { guard let err = error as? CryptorError else { return nil } print(err.description) } return nil }
Input inputStr: 0592389EDCBA96FF keyStr: 0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210 Output d9f8e02413307c829b81df2a39d8c603
Input inputStr: 0592389EDCBA96FF keyStr: 0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210
Output d9f8e02413307c829b81df2a39d8c603
The right output should be a25fbc3a3ed409102e24eeb85aef49ae
Please advise.
Hi everyone,
I'm going to implement the Triple-DES to encrypt a password and I'm using the following command to validate the encryption output.
but I got a different encryption result.
Here's my code
The right output should be a25fbc3a3ed409102e24eeb85aef49ae
Please advise.