Kitura / Swift-SMTP

Swift SMTP client
Apache License 2.0
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Could not generate Xcode project: error: multiple products named 'Logging' in: Console, swift-log #104

Open vvicenteABA opened 5 years ago

vvicenteABA commented 5 years ago

At first thank you so much about generate and maintain this library. Your work is awesome!

I need some improvements on the naming of your LogginAPI. If I try to use this Swift-SMTP library with my vapor project, I receive this error:

"Could not generate Xcode project: error: multiple products named 'Logging' in: Console, swift-log"

It's happens when I add this package .package(url: "", from: "5.1.1")

I can solve it using other dependency of your LogginAPI

.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "1.8.0")), .package(url: "", from: "5.1.1")

And now is working, but the idea is only need one package and inside it have the last version of each one.

Thank you in advance