Kitware / LookingGlassVTKModule

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Request: update readme to include build instructions for TestDragon/TestLookingGlassPass #55

Closed rmlearney closed 1 year ago

rmlearney commented 1 year ago

Managed to get everything to compile on my Mac, now trying to run tests. Would really help to have a little something added to the readme :)

cjh1 commented 1 year ago

We would be happy to accept a PR if you have updates to the readme that you think would help others.

psavery commented 1 year ago

If you built VTK with Python support, it may be easier to test via source ./ and running the Python examples.

For the C++ tests, I think you need to build VTK with -DVTK_BUILD_TESTING=ON, and then I think within the build directory you can run a test like this:

./bin/vtkLookingGlassCxxTests TestDragon -D ./ExternalData/Testing/ -I

If that's true, feel free to put up a PR for the README.

rmlearney commented 1 year ago

Your advice for the C++ tests worked - thank you :)

Any chance you could submit the addition to the readme?