When you switch between different datasets within a collection, the main display screen goes black. A page refresh seems to solve the issue.
I'm not quite sure when this bug got introduced, but I can say that I started noticing this happening intermittently (even without switching between datasets) after the live-SAM update.
When you switch between different datasets within a collection, the main display screen goes black. A page refresh seems to solve the issue.
I'm not quite sure when this bug got introduced, but I can say that I started noticing this happening intermittently (even without switching between datasets) after the live-SAM update.
Here's a link a video displaying the problem: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dhs7p0wxm5ysn1vnf5h82/Screen-Recording-2024-04-10-at-1.06.55-PM.mov?rlkey=obph7erpw1ebwy0xyd43ur2vu&dl=0