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Issue with file view after upload #698

Closed arjunrajlab closed 3 months ago

arjunrajlab commented 3 months ago

HIGH PRIORITY: issue with file view after upload.



Then I click "Submit" and get this:


(At this point, the little "disk" icon in the top right is pulsing. If I hover on it, the tooltip says "Saving…")

If I then click View Dataset, it does nothing and I get a server connection error:

arjunrajlab commented 3 months ago

Oh wait, I figured out what was happening. It seems that it was putting the file in the base directory and not in my public folder. Perhaps we can make it default to the public folder so that files go in there unless we've navigated somewhere else? Or block the ability to put a file at this directory level?

arjunrajlab commented 3 months ago

I will say that I have noticed some issues with keeping a tab open and then a layer or annotations will disappear.