Moved spectrogram and compressed spectrogram generation into a task. Did this because depending on the audio files this could take long time
Creates a CompressSpectrogram model that uses an object storage file for the generated image. Also includes the widths/starts/stops information as well and the ability to do cache_invalidation indicating that another spectrogram needs to be generated because annotations have changed
Front-end was switched from utilizing base64 images to using direct references to the object storage URL.
Upgraded the pip version because the installation was failing
[x] Correct the vertical sizing of the areas for the image displays. Right now it isn't sized properly to center the image in the field of view.
model that uses an object storage file for the generated image. Also includes the widths/starts/stops information as well and the ability to do cache_invalidation indicating that another spectrogram needs to be generated because annotations have changedTODO: