./platform/desktop/backend/native/processManager.ts - A Wrapper for child processes that allow for closing and watching the process. These processes are media conversion, running pipelines and running training. Currently I believe the closing and closeChildren function are only run when the application is closed. We didn’t provide a true cancel on the desktop I think because we weren’t sure if while training it will properly kill all spawned processes.
You can attempt to add cancellation to the Desktop Job Browser (./platform/desktop/frontend/components/Jobs.vue) a call to close the open process. This would require a bit of testing with the pipelines and training so I would wait to do this at the end.
./platform/desktop/backend/native/processManager.ts - A Wrapper for child processes that allow for closing and watching the process. These processes are media conversion, running pipelines and running training. Currently I believe the closing and closeChildren function are only run when the application is closed. We didn’t provide a true cancel on the desktop I think because we weren’t sure if while training it will properly kill all spawned processes.
./platform/desktop/backend/native/viame.ts - functions for running training and pipelines.
You can attempt to add cancellation to the Desktop Job Browser (./platform/desktop/frontend/components/Jobs.vue) a call to close the open process. This would require a bit of testing with the pipelines and training so I would wait to do this at the end.