Kitware / gobig

Provisioning big data applications with Resonant
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Zookeeper URL not computed in an intuitive place #9

Closed opadron closed 8 years ago

opadron commented 9 years ago

Currently, the zookeeper url (zk://host0:port0,host1:port1,...hostN:portN) is being computed in the mesos-variables role and set to mesos_zookeeper_url because the zookeeper url isn't actually needed until provisioning mesos.

But, this setup is a little sloppy, since the zookeeper url is only a part of the mesos master url, which is what mesos actually needs.

What is currently being set to mesos_zookeeper_url in mesos-variables should instead be set to zookeeper_quorum_url in zookeeper-variables, and mesos-variables should instead set mesos_master_url to mesos://{{ zookeeper_quorum_url }}/{{ mesos_cluster_name }}.