KivalM / spotblock-rs

A spotify advertisment muter for Pipewire
GNU General Public License v3.0
14 stars 3 forks source link

great work! #1

Closed tomerrr closed 2 years ago

tomerrr commented 2 years ago

i've tried all commercial mute options mentioned here none of them worked for me (btw I use Fedora) , besides yours. thanks a bunch

KivalM commented 2 years ago

Hey, thanks for commenting, It means a lot. If you come across any bugs, don't be afraid to open an issue (or maybe even a PR :))

The other Spotify blockers are ancient, and don't work with Pipe wire, which is also what fedora uses AFAIK.

tomerrr commented 2 years ago

ok:) only thing missing (maybe) is a script to start spotify and spotblock-rs at the same time and also make sure both of them terminate when you exit spotify. this is what use running in a separated terminal window -


# trap ctrl-c and call ctrl_c()
trap ctrl_c INT

function ctrl_c() {
        echo "** Trapped CTRL-C"
        killall spotify
        killall spotblock-rs

/usr/local/bin/spotblock-rs &

while [ 1 ]
    if pgrep -x spotify > /dev/null
        sleep 0.5
        killall spotblock-rs


KivalM commented 2 years ago

Hey, i think that's a great idea.

ok:) only thing missing (maybe) is a script to start spotify and spotblock-rs at the same time and also make sure both of them terminate when you exit spotify. this is what use running in a separated terminal window -


# trap ctrl-c and call ctrl_c()
trap ctrl_c INT

function ctrl_c() {
        echo "** Trapped CTRL-C"
        killall spotify
        killall spotblock-rs

/usr/local/bin/spotblock-rs &

while [ 1 ]
  if pgrep -x spotify > /dev/null
          sleep 0.5
          killall spotblock-rs


I am not too familiar with shell scripting, however, wouldn't a solution like this be much better.


spotblock &
killall spotblock

and then maybe redirect the spotify.desktop file to this script. that way you can just run spotify through whichever application menu you use, and when you close spotify it will kill spotblock. That way it is less intrusive and you can pretend it's not even there

KivalM commented 2 years ago

Okay added a script that will run the adblocker and spotify, and kill the blocker afterwards added a .desktop file to run that script from your application menu also added an install script to put the files in their correct locations

tomerrr commented 2 years ago

Hey, i think that's a great idea.


spotblock & /usr/bin/spotify killall spotblock

and then maybe redirect the spotify.desktop file to this script.
that way you can just run spotify through whichever application menu you use, and when you close spotify it will kill spotblock. That way it is less intrusive and you can pretend it's not even there

i had cases where i closed spotify and spotblock was still running in memory for some reason, which is why i thought of this script which monitors whether spotify processes are running, and once they're killed - also kills spotblock. The Ctrl-C trap is because i'm running spotblock in a separated gnome terminal window, so i could see its prompts on mute and unmute , and I'd like ctrl-c to close that window and spotify itself.

So my .desktop file is (assuming the script above is stored in the user home directory as

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Spotify spotblock
Exec=gnome-terminal --hide-menubar --title "Spotblock" -- /home/(your-username)/

EDIT: sorry, this is just my usage case where i run spotblock in a separate terminal so it over complicated the bash script a bit, your solution works just fine.

tomerrr commented 1 year ago

hi mate, 2 years late, Fedora 38 with Pulseaudio (i don't like Pipewire), just installed your last update from a year ago - ads are being muted perfectly. thanks a bunch!