Kiwi / clyde

Next-generation libalpm/makepkg wrapper.
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Upgrade show versions #103

Closed r-vdp closed 4 years ago

r-vdp commented 13 years ago

This commits make clyde show the currently installed and the to-be installed versions on upgrading, both for repo and for aur packages.

I still have to test it a bit, but I wanted to let you know about it already because I had to redo quite a bit due to the commits from yesterday to sync.lua.


juster commented 13 years ago

Okay. I am still working on sync_search() today. I hope you get the picture that I refactor everything that catches my attention.

r-vdp commented 13 years ago

Sure, my comment was by no means meant offensive :)

juster commented 13 years ago

None taken! I was just being silly and didn't mean to give any attitude. I refactor stuff and sometimes it is a pain in the butt in general. Sometimes merging branches can get difficult but it gives me practice with git. If you need help merging things let me know and I can help. Your patches can even be based on older commits they don't have to be perfect.

I tend to slightly modify the patches that people submit. I hope you don't mind? Let me know if you do. Thanks for all these patches its nice having someone else interested in clyde.

r-vdp commented 13 years ago

I noticed there is one small merge conflict with the current master branch. I can rebase and force-push, but I've read that it's good practice to never rebase commits that have been made public.

So, should I just leave it up to you to figure out the merge conflict or is there some good practice git-magic to make these commits cleanly apply again?

juster commented 13 years ago

I've already merged it on my local copy don't worry about it.

juster commented 13 years ago

I've been playing with this branch. I just wish there was a way to make the output less bulkier. I don't like the way it looks but maybe it will grow on me.

r-vdp commented 13 years ago

Yeah, that's been bugging me too. The in some way cleaner and more readable method is to print one pkg per line, but a big update gives extremely long output then...

I guess that the wish to give all this info about versions and sizes just isn't compatible with slim output... It's also a possibility to make the printing of the new and old versions optionally for users who'd like to have less clutter when upgrading.

juster commented 13 years ago

Yeah I think yaourt prints everything on one line each. This of course means it scrolls way off the screen. I was playing with the idea of having a sort of diff-like output for version strings. Sort of like if a version goes from 1.13 to 1.14 the result would be 1.1(3>4) or something. That is a bit cryptic but quite a bit smaller.

r-vdp commented 13 years ago

That might actually work, but you'll have to be a bit careful not to cause too much confusion with the format. Let me know if you want feedback on a draft, or I can try to implement it if you want me to.