Kiwi / clyde

Next-generation libalpm/makepkg wrapper.
63 stars 8 forks source link

Set abandoned flag if applicable #140

Open PandaFoss opened 4 years ago

PandaFoss commented 4 years ago

After searching about pacman wrappers programmed in Lua I came across Clyde, which is a very interesting project. Unfortunately it seems to be abandoned although it is not specified anywhere. If so, I recommend placing the "abandoned" tag. In this way I will start a project from scratch instead of contributing with abandoned pull requests here. Regards!

Kiwi commented 4 years ago

Would you be interested in updating Clyde so that it is not abandoned? :) Might be easier than starting a new project. Might be harder, I don't know. If nothing else I'd be more than glad to discuss with you the experiences I had, what I would do differently, what I would do the same, what mistakes I know I made and problems I encountered. Hopefully my failures could be learned from. No sense in others repeating them. Easiest way to get a hold of me is : DigitalKiwi

PandaFoss commented 4 years ago

I understand your point of view and you're right about it. How should I do to contact you? I am just starting to program in Lua, I still have a lot to learn to contribute effectively, but if the project could be resumed, it would be great.

Kiwi commented 4 years ago

The best way is IRC (late stage writing edit: I'm good with Signal, and, Twitter is OK if that's better than alternatives. Read last 2 paragraphs for info) I'm on Freenode IRC as DigitalKiwi

There is a webchat client here but i recommend using a desktop and/or phone client for a better experience.

If you're familiar with IRC you should know what to do now and can stop reading, if you're not, read on.

If you're new to IRC I'd recommend finding a client you like. You might end up trying several before you find the one that works best for you. If you like text based apps I highly recommend glirc by @glguy There are others like weechat and irssi that are more widely known. I used to use irssi, it's nice. I never got the hang of weechat. As far as GUI apps go, the only one I've used in years is Textual, which is macOS only, but really nice, it's not free, but worth paying for, IMO. (USD $8.99 one time). There's a 30 day trial if you would like to find out if you agree. If you have an iPhone/iPad I like Palaver which, again, is not free but worth paying for, IMO. (USD $1.99) (I have bought less than a dozen, probably less than half a dozen, iphone/macos/android apps and I never regretted buying those two) If you have an android I really like Revolution-IRC which is FLOSS. At some point you may want to checkout ZNC or another bouncer (there are people/companies that host them, some for free, or you can host your own, which is what I do). Bouncers let you always be connected in the background even when you quit your desktop or mobile client and you can resume and get a scrollback of chat logs from when you were away the next time you connect. This means you can be on IRC with multiple clients all sharing the same connection. If you don't want to deal with setting one up and learning how to use a bouncer IRC Cloud is somewhat popular. It's a SAAS bouncer and client in one and has other features too. There are free and paid plans. I've never used it. You don't need a bouncer to start out and many people never bother with it. I don't want to overwhelm you with all of that though so... all you really need is a client or the webchat. There are many more clients I have not listed that you can find on the web. Here's a modern IRC guide I came across recently that has some good information. I don't agree with all of it but it's useful.

I'm sorry if you knew all/any of this as I don't mean to appear like a condescending know it all elitist (and I hope it doesn't come off like that! I don't know if it does to you). I'm just trying to help (and preparing a draft for a beginners guide to IRC blog post apparently LOL) and I don't know your experiences, and most people have no idea what IRC is... maybe you are part of today's 10,000. And, in fairness, I did say to stop reading if you knew IRC. :)

Alternatively, on my website you can find an email that I don't check often but will for a few days (or I can email you from the one I do, I see yours is on your website, if you like) and my Twitter. If you have or can get Signal (which everyone should use!) or if you use XMPP, those work for me as well. I can send you the info by request.

Let me know what you'd prefer in a comment here or go ahead and ping me on IRC or Twitter or send an email.

PandaFoss commented 4 years ago

All knowledge is welcome! I have used everything, IRC, Signal, XMPP, Twitter, among others, although I usually keep a small handful of networks. If you don't usually check the email, I prefer not to force you to check it. I take advantage that I have Twitter open right now and I contact you there. Catch my message before someone else does it before! (LOL)