Closed KiwiHC16 closed 4 years ago
I see a ->Plug 01<- inclusion but nothing about Livolo. Are you in channel 26 ?
Thanks a lot for your help.
I've been trying to set the channel but I can't find any info on how to do it. and I've been diving in the plugin and I found nothing to change that. I read something in the forum about ZWGUI but I'm on Mac Os and and I'm not great with programming. In the configuration page I can't see on the information square what channel is the zigate set, It's all blank
From the log I guess I'm in the channel 11. That may be the problem for the livolo. What we can do to change it to 26?
Thanks a lot.
I see 2 issues: A- ZiGate information are empty B- For Livolo to work you have to be on channel 26
First we have to solve A before going to B.
Do you have the daemon up and running like this:
For B, yes you are on 11 as I can see in previous provided logs.
To change the channel, you will have to go to the conf of the plugin and follow the instructions:
Is google translate good enough ?
I have the daemon working properly. I think. I have restarted the daemon. Stop Daemon and reinstall dependencies and reactivated again but the zigate info still empty.
No worries about the french i Think I can manage with google translate, I'm goin to start translating.
I can't see the channel mask option in the plugin config page. I attached 3 screenshots with the whole config pages
Thank a lot for your quicks responses and your work with the plugin.
I turned off the wifi and Bluetooth onboard rpi3 and the channel mask options come up after rebooting.
But the info still empty.
I wonder if the issue is due to a system which is not set to french. To be quicker I could look into your systeme if you allow me access to the screen. If you install any and give me the access code then I could troubleshoot directly on your system. I would also need 2 ssh connections to your jeedom with root access. Coudl we do that ?
Sorry I took the weekend off and I wasn't close to the computer. I get the zigate working on the 26 channel and the inclusion with the livolo switch was successful, Great. But the connection was lost after a while and it won't go back on their own. I have to reinclude it manually but the switch goes time out all the times.
The info of the zigate never shows up in the plugin page. I just reinstalled the latest firmware but nothing change.
If you still think a remote connection will help to improve the plugin for me and others I'll be pleased to help.
Thanks a lot!
I just played with my one button Livolo and I think I found a solution to keep it in the network stable.
Please prepare the to share your screen and let me know.
Hi KiwiHC16, LEt me know when it's a good time for you to do the anydesk thing and I'll get ready. Im keep lossing my devices, even the sram smart plug. Thanks a lot.
I've re-install the zigate firmware erasing the Eprom and now I can see me device details in the plugins page. But the behavior is similar. Keep losing the devices. Thanks.
Very good, let's solve issue one by one. Could you share a screenshot of the Health page and node table like this:
Wrong one. Attached the right one.
Please include the Ikea Bulb first to see if you can control it and everything is stable. And let me know. Don't try to includeLivolo switch yet.
PS: (We will see later) The 2 snapshot are above are not coherent:
The tradafi bulb it's the only thing always work. Even if I turn off the switch and turn it back on after few hours the bulb works properly and stable.
I'll have a look at the 224F device.
I've check it, but I don't have that device now. Only the bulb.
I've tried to delete the bulb and reinclude it and know few devices just come up.
No Idea why 2 bulb come up, I only got one.
Any ideas about why this behavior? Thanks
I've Installed the Zigate plugins and apparently the system is more stable. With the abeille plugin even with only the osram smart plug stop working after a few minutes. I order 2 konke pir sensor to test them, hopefully we can get everything working. Have a good day.
So what do you want to do ? Continue with Abeille or use ZiGate ?
I would like to continue with yours I feel you're trying hard to add more devices and solve all the problems. The behavior still strange and I keep loosing the device controller after few minutes.
What do we do next?
I need to resync with you on where you are with your system. Which of those statements are valids:
And some questions:
Could you confirm ?
What is your main issue ?
Sorry I was holidays.
When I had everything included in the channel 26 I had the Bulb, livolo switch (x2),the Osram smart plug (x2) and one xiaomi square temperature sensor but the behavior of everything was erratic. The devices keep stop working and never come back to work. I deleted everything and start reincluding all the devices. When I started with the livolo the plugins said he was creating a new device, when I refresh the page All the devices suddenly came up, including a extra bulb.
After restarting the raspberry pi 3B things appears to work for few seconds but stop working.
The main Issue is I can't controll the devices and them keeps stop working.
My zigate is connected with USB-TTL convertor (the red One, CP2102)
The Gateway object parent is "Casa"
Today I Erased the zigate plugin, activated your plugin, himself choose the channel 11, added only a Osram plug and it work fine for few minutes giving me the change of state and controlling the device but stop working after a little while without touching anything else from the jeedom.
In the house I got a Xiaomi gateway working with a lot of zigbee devices. I don't know if that could make any interference.
Thanks a lot. Let me know if I can Help to improve the plugin testing anything.
Attached the debug logs after include the plug when stopped working.
What I can see in the logs:
Channel 11 used, so Livolo can't be used.
{"message":{"topic":"Abeille\/Ruche\/Zigate-8000","payload":"(ZigBee Error Code unknown): 15"}}
(APS Data Confirm Fail); Status : e9 (->); Source Endpoint : 01; Destination Endpoint : 03; Destination Mode : 02; Destination Address : d0a7; SQN: : d9
Il y a des erreurs comme celle la mais je ne connais pas la raison (pas eu le temps d'investiguer). Faudrait faire des tests specifics.
Everything looks ok.
Everything looks ok.
I know livolo only works in channel 26 but everything looks more difficult to control on that channel I don't know why. I got 2 days now with no problems with my two osram smarts plugs in channel 11.
Let me know the test I should do to improve the livolo control. Just Said and I'll be testing ASAP. Thanks.
If you have issue in channel 26, check if you have wifi which interfere.
I've checked and my router is on channel 7.
Don't Ask me how but... I put the zigate in channel 15 to try to include two konke PIR (I couldn't yet) and the livolo switch came up after include the osram plug and one of them work properly! They got more tan 4 hours working. I will give you updates.
This is the log after trying to add the konke. Channel 15. AbeilleParser.txt abeille.txt
one of the osram plug and one of the livolo switch lost connection.
I've change to channell 20 to try to add the new konke sensor. First step I added one osram plug. it included right but the plug doesn't respond to jeedom.
I never could add the konke sensor. this error is coming up on the log now. I've bought a Poweresd usb Hub, it's coming next week.
Starting cron15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2019-08-24 09:15:04][DEBUG] : Check USB driver potential crash [2019-08-24 09:15:04][DEBUG] : Ping NE with 220V to check Online status [2019-08-24 09:15:04][DEBUG] : Ping: 8874 [2019-08-24 09:15:04][DEBUG] : Envoi du message topic: TempoCmdAbeille/8874/Annonce&time=1566630927 payload: 03 vers 123 [2019-08-24 09:15:04][DEBUG] : Msg sent: {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/8874\/Annonce&time=1566630927","payload":"03"}} on queue: 123
Channel 15 trying to add the konke PIR.
2019-09-04 07:15:47][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 01
[2019-09-04 07:16:02][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:02: protocolData size(35) message > 12 char: 004d000Cc32cab086bd7fffee974ad8000
[2019-09-04 07:16:02][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 2cab; IEEE : 086bd7fffee974ad; MAC capa : 80
[2019-09-04 07:16:02][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFct) added to queue (queueKeyParserToAbeille): {"message":{"topic":"Abeille\/Ruche\/enable","payload":"086bd7fffee974ad"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:02][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:02: protocolData size(35) message > 12 char: 004d000Cf32cab086bd7fffee974ad8030
[2019-09-04 07:16:02][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 2cab; IEEE : 086bd7fffee974ad; MAC capa : 80
[2019-09-04 07:16:02][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFct) added to queue (queueKeyParserToAbeille): {"message":{"topic":"Abeille\/Ruche\/enable","payload":"086bd7fffee974ad"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:02][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:02: protocolData size(17) message > 12 char: 8701000385000000
[2019-09-04 07:16:02][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8701; (Route Discovery Confirm)(decoded but Not Processed); MAC Status: 00 (MAC_ENUM_SUCCESS->Success); Nwk Status: 00 (ZPS_NWK_ENUM_SUCCESS->Success)
[2019-09-04 07:16:03][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:03: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005910000001400
[2019-09-04 07:16:03][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:03: protocolData size(15) message > 12 char: 80140002970100
[2019-09-04 07:16:03][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 01
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"2cab":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee974ad","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574162,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le EP de l equipement
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"CmdAbeille\/Ruche\/ActiveEndPoint","payload":"address=2cab"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/ActiveEndPoint&time=1567574166","payload":"address=2cab"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/ActiveEndPoint&time=1567574168","payload":"address=2cab"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/ActiveEndPoint&time=1567574170","payload":"address=2cab"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:04: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005a20062004500
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:04: protocolData size(39) message > 12 char: 8102000E7b3a2cab0100010020002000011d57
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 3a; Src Addr : 2cab; End Point : 01; Cluster ID : 0001; Attr ID : 0020; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 20; Attr Size : 0001; Data byte list : ->1d<-
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:04: protocolData size(25) message > 12 char: 804500077362002cab010154
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 62; Status : 00; Short Address : 2cab; Endpoint Count : 01; Endpoint List :; 01
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"2cab":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee974ad","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574162,"state":"EndPoint","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint","EP":"01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le nom de l equipement
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"CmdAbeille\/Ruche\/getName","payload":"address=2cab&destinationEndPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"CmdAbeille\/Ruche\/getLocation","payload":"address=2cab&destinationEndPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/getName&time=1567574166","payload":"address=2cab&destinationEndPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/getLocation&time=1567574166","payload":"address=2cab&destinationEndPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/SimpleDescriptorRequest&time=1567574168","payload":"address=2cab&endPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/SimpleDescriptorRequest&time=1567574170","payload":"address=2cab&endPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:04: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005870003010000
[2019-09-04 07:16:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:04: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005800004010000
[2019-09-04 07:16:05][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:05: protocolData size(31) message > 12 char: 8048000A47086bd7fffee974ad0000
[2019-09-04 07:16:05][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 8048; (Leave Indication)(Processed->Draft-MQTT); extended addr : 086bd7fffee974ad; rejoin status : 00
[2019-09-04 07:16:05][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFct) added to queue (queueKeyParserToAbeille): {"message":{"topic":"Abeille\/Ruche\/disable","payload":"086bd7fffee974ad"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:07][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:07: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005a30063004500
[2019-09-04 07:16:07][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:07: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005941505010000
[2019-09-04 07:16:07][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:07: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005971506010000
[2019-09-04 07:16:09][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:09: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005408000004500
[2019-09-04 07:16:09][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:09: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005468000004300
[2019-09-04 07:16:11][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:11: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005408000004500
[2019-09-04 07:16:11][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:11: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005468000004300
[2019-09-04 07:16:12][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:12: protocolData size(27) message > 12 char: 8702000873f00101022cab8b00
[2019-09-04 07:16:12][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8702; (APS Data Confirm Fail); Status : f0 (->); Source Endpoint : 01; Destination Endpoint : 01; Destination Mode : 02; Destination Address : 2cab; SQN: : 8b
[2019-09-04 07:16:12][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:12: protocolData size(27) message > 12 char: 8702000874f00101022cab8c00
[2019-09-04 07:16:12][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8702; (APS Data Confirm Fail); Status : f0 (->); Source Endpoint : 01; Destination Endpoint : 01; Destination Mode : 02; Destination Address : 2cab; SQN: : 8c
[2019-09-04 07:16:13][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:13: protocolData size(35) message > 12 char: 004d000C236a0D086bd7fffee974ad8000
[2019-09-04 07:16:13][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 6a0D; IEEE : 086bd7fffee974ad; MAC capa : 80
[2019-09-04 07:16:13][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFct) added to queue (queueKeyParserToAbeille): {"message":{"topic":"Abeille\/Ruche\/enable","payload":"086bd7fffee974ad"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:14][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:14: protocolData size(35) message > 12 char: 004d000C746a0D086bd7fffee974ad8057
[2019-09-04 07:16:14][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 6a0D; IEEE : 086bd7fffee974ad; MAC capa : 80
[2019-09-04 07:16:14][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFct) added to queue (queueKeyParserToAbeille): {"message":{"topic":"Abeille\/Ruche\/enable","payload":"086bd7fffee974ad"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:14][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:14: protocolData size(17) message > 12 char: 8701000385000000
[2019-09-04 07:16:14][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8701; (Route Discovery Confirm)(decoded but Not Processed); MAC Status: 00 (MAC_ENUM_SUCCESS->Success); Nwk Status: 00 (ZPS_NWK_ENUM_SUCCESS->Success)
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"2cab":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee974ad","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574162,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"6a0D":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee974ad","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574174,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le EP de l equipement
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"CmdAbeille\/Ruche\/ActiveEndPoint","payload":"address=6a0D"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/ActiveEndPoint&time=1567574178","payload":"address=6a0D"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/ActiveEndPoint&time=1567574180","payload":"address=6a0D"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/ActiveEndPoint&time=1567574182","payload":"address=6a0D"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:16: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005a40064004500
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:16: protocolData size(25) message > 12 char: 80450007a264006a0D010163
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 64; Status : 00; Short Address : 6a0D; Endpoint Count : 01; Endpoint List :; 01
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"2cab":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee974ad","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574162,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"6a0D":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee974ad","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574174,"state":"EndPoint","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint","EP":"01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le nom de l equipement
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"CmdAbeille\/Ruche\/getName","payload":"address=6a0D&destinationEndPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"CmdAbeille\/Ruche\/getLocation","payload":"address=6a0D&destinationEndPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/getName&time=1567574178","payload":"address=6a0D&destinationEndPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/getLocation&time=1567574178","payload":"address=6a0D&destinationEndPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/SimpleDescriptorRequest&time=1567574180","payload":"address=6a0D&endPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/SimpleDescriptorRequest&time=1567574182","payload":"address=6a0D&endPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:16: protocolData size(17) message > 12 char: 87010003d5d00080
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8701; (Route Discovery Confirm)(decoded but Not Processed); MAC Status: 00 (MAC_ENUM_SUCCESS->Success); Nwk Status: d0 (ZPS_NWK_ENUM_ROUTE_DISCOVERY_FAILED->Attempt at route discovery has failed due to any reason except lack of table space (KiwiHC16: exemple no body response to a route request to a specific short address = no route known to this address, NE removed ? NE out of cobverage ?))
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:16: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005830007010000
[2019-09-04 07:16:16][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:16: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 800000058c0008010000
[2019-09-04 07:16:17][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:17: protocolData size(69) message > 12 char: 8102001df2076a0D010000000500420010334146453134303130343032303030445d
[2019-09-04 07:16:17][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 07; Src Addr : 6a0D; End Point : 01; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0005; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 42; Attr Size : 0010; Data byte list : ->3AFE14010402000D<-
[2019-09-04 07:16:17][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"2cab":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee974ad","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574162,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"6a0D":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee974ad","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574174,"state":"modelIdentifier","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01","modelIdentifier":"3AFE14010402000D"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:17][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Configure NE
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE Start
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE End
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:22: protocolData size(37) message > 12 char: 8102000De9086a0D010000001086ff000060
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 08; Src Addr : 6a0D; End Point : 01; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0010; Attr Status : 86; Attr Data Type : ff; Attr Size : 0000; Data byte list : -><-
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"2cab":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee974ad","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574162,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"6a0D":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee974ad","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574174,"state":"configuration","action":"modelIdentifierReceived->configuration","EP":"01","modelIdentifier":"3AFE14010402000D"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande Current State Equipement
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:22: protocolData size(39) message > 12 char: 8102000Eaa3c6a0D0100010020002000011d60
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 3c; Src Addr : 6a0D; End Point : 01; Cluster ID : 0001; Attr ID : 0020; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 20; Attr Size : 0001; Data byte list : ->1d<-
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"2cab":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee974ad","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574162,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"6a0D":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee974ad","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574174,"state":"currentState","action":"configuration->currentState","EP":"01","modelIdentifier":"3AFE14010402000D"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:22: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005a50065004500
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:22: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 800000058d0009010000
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:22: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 800000058e000A010000
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:22: protocolData size(25) message > 12 char: 80450007a365006a0D010163
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 65; Status : 00; Short Address : 6a0D; Endpoint Count : 01; Endpoint List :; 01
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:22: protocolData size(69) message > 12 char: 8102001dc2096a0D0100000005004200103341464531343031303430323030304463
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 09; Src Addr : 6a0D; End Point : 01; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0005; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 42; Attr Size : 0010; Data byte list : ->3AFE14010402000D<-
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:22: protocolData size(37) message > 12 char: 8102000Deb0A6a0D010000001086ff000060
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 0A; Src Addr : 6a0D; End Point : 01; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0010; Attr Status : 86; Attr Data Type : ff; Attr Size : 0000; Data byte list : -><-
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:22: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005a60066004500
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:22: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005a10067004300
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:22: protocolData size(25) message > 12 char: 80450007a066006a0D010163
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 66; Status : 00; Short Address : 6a0D; Endpoint Count : 01; Endpoint List :; 01
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:22: protocolData size(59) message > 12 char: 80430018a967006a0D1201010404020004000000010003050001000363
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8043; (Simple Descriptor Response)(Not Processed); SQN : 67; Status : 00; Short Address : 6a0D; Length : 12; endpoint : 01; profile : 0104 (ZigBee Home Automation (ZHA)); deviceId : 0402 (IAS Zone); bitField : 00; InClusterCount : 04
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug]In cluster: 0000 - General: Basic
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug]In cluster: 0001 - General: Power Config
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug]In cluster: 0003 - General: Identify
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug]In cluster: 0500 - Security & Safety: IAS Zone
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug]OutClusterCount : 01
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug]Out cluster: 0003 - General: Identify
[2019-09-04 07:16:22][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonce, Switch default: WARNING should not exist for ->6a0D<- with state -><-
[2019-09-04 07:16:23][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:23: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005a80068004500
[2019-09-04 07:16:23][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:23: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005af0069004300
[2019-09-04 07:16:23][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:23: protocolData size(25) message > 12 char: 80450007ae68006a0D010163
[2019-09-04 07:16:23][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 68; Status : 00; Short Address : 6a0D; Endpoint Count : 01; Endpoint List :; 01
[2019-09-04 07:16:23][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:23: protocolData size(59) message > 12 char: 80430018a769006a0D1201010404020004000000010003050001000363
[2019-09-04 07:16:23][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8043; (Simple Descriptor Response)(Not Processed); SQN : 69; Status : 00; Short Address : 6a0D; Length : 12; endpoint : 01; profile : 0104 (ZigBee Home Automation (ZHA)); deviceId : 0402 (IAS Zone); bitField : 00; InClusterCount : 04
[2019-09-04 07:16:23][AbeilleParser][debug]In cluster: 0000 - General: Basic
[2019-09-04 07:16:23][AbeilleParser][debug]In cluster: 0001 - General: Power Config
[2019-09-04 07:16:23][AbeilleParser][debug]In cluster: 0003 - General: Identify
[2019-09-04 07:16:23][AbeilleParser][debug]In cluster: 0500 - Security & Safety: IAS Zone
[2019-09-04 07:16:23][AbeilleParser][debug]OutClusterCount : 01
[2019-09-04 07:16:23][AbeilleParser][debug]Out cluster: 0003 - General: Identify
[2019-09-04 07:16:23][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonce, Switch default: WARNING should not exist for ->6a0D<- with state -><-
[2019-09-04 07:16:24][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:24: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005950000001000
[2019-09-04 07:16:24][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:24: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 801000058f0003031a00
[2019-09-04 07:16:28][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:28: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 800000058c0000000900
[2019-09-04 07:16:28][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:28: protocolData size(55) message > 12 char: 8009001673000000158d0001edea9175481df26ec1b9826fc50F00
[2019-09-04 07:16:40][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:40: protocolData size(35) message > 12 char: 004d000Cdaedbe086bd7fffee97b6f8000
[2019-09-04 07:16:40][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : edbe; IEEE : 086bd7fffee97b6f; MAC capa : 80
[2019-09-04 07:16:40][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFct) added to queue (queueKeyParserToAbeille): {"message":{"topic":"Abeille\/Ruche\/enable","payload":"086bd7fffee97b6f"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:41][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:41: protocolData size(35) message > 12 char: 004d000Cc4edbe086bd7fffee97b6f801e
[2019-09-04 07:16:41][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : edbe; IEEE : 086bd7fffee97b6f; MAC capa : 80
[2019-09-04 07:16:41][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFct) added to queue (queueKeyParserToAbeille): {"message":{"topic":"Abeille\/Ruche\/enable","payload":"086bd7fffee97b6f"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:41][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:41: protocolData size(17) message > 12 char: 8701000385000000
[2019-09-04 07:16:41][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8701; (Route Discovery Confirm)(decoded but Not Processed); MAC Status: 00 (MAC_ENUM_SUCCESS->Success); Nwk Status: 00 (ZPS_NWK_ENUM_SUCCESS->Success)
[2019-09-04 07:16:41][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:41: protocolData size(39) message > 12 char: 8401000Eb63e010500026a0D00010000000063
[2019-09-04 07:16:41][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 8401; (IAS Zone status change notification )(Processed); SQN: 3e; endpoint: 01; cluster id: 0500; src address mode: 02; src address: 6a0D; zone status: 0001; extended status: 00; zone id: 00; delay: 0000
[2019-09-04 07:16:42][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:42: protocolData size(39) message > 12 char: 8102000Ef720edbe0100010020002000011d15
[2019-09-04 07:16:42][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 20; Src Addr : edbe; End Point : 01; Cluster ID : 0001; Attr ID : 0020; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 20; Attr Size : 0001; Data byte list : ->1d<-
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"2cab":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee974ad","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574162,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"edbe":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee97b6f","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574201,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le EP de l equipement
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"CmdAbeille\/Ruche\/ActiveEndPoint","payload":"address=edbe"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/ActiveEndPoint&time=1567574205","payload":"address=edbe"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/ActiveEndPoint&time=1567574207","payload":"address=edbe"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/ActiveEndPoint&time=1567574209","payload":"address=edbe"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:43: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005aa006a004500
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:43: protocolData size(25) message > 12 char: 80450007e36a00edbe010118
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 6a; Status : 00; Short Address : edbe; Endpoint Count : 01; Endpoint List :; 01
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"2cab":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee974ad","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574162,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"edbe":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee97b6f","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574201,"state":"EndPoint","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint","EP":"01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le nom de l equipement
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"CmdAbeille\/Ruche\/getName","payload":"address=edbe&destinationEndPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"CmdAbeille\/Ruche\/getLocation","payload":"address=edbe&destinationEndPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/getName&time=1567574205","payload":"address=edbe&destinationEndPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/getLocation&time=1567574205","payload":"address=edbe&destinationEndPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/SimpleDescriptorRequest&time=1567574207","payload":"address=edbe&endPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/SimpleDescriptorRequest&time=1567574209","payload":"address=edbe&endPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:43: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 8000000588000C010000
[2019-09-04 07:16:43][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:43: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 8000000589000D010000
[2019-09-04 07:16:44][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:44: protocolData size(31) message > 12 char: 8048000A8a086bd7fffee97b6f0000
[2019-09-04 07:16:44][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 8048; (Leave Indication)(Processed->Draft-MQTT); extended addr : 086bd7fffee97b6f; rejoin status : 00
[2019-09-04 07:16:44][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFct) added to queue (queueKeyParserToAbeille): {"message":{"topic":"Abeille\/Ruche\/disable","payload":"086bd7fffee97b6f"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:46][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:46: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005408000004500
[2019-09-04 07:16:46][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:46: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 800000059f150E010000
[2019-09-04 07:16:46][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:46: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 800000059e150F010000
[2019-09-04 07:16:48][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:48: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005408000004500
[2019-09-04 07:16:48][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:48: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005468000004300
[2019-09-04 07:16:50][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:50: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005ab006b004500
[2019-09-04 07:16:50][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:50: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005aa006c004300
[2019-09-04 07:16:50][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:50: protocolData size(27) message > 12 char: 8702000881f0010102edbead00
[2019-09-04 07:16:50][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8702; (APS Data Confirm Fail); Status : f0 (->); Source Endpoint : 01; Destination Endpoint : 01; Destination Mode : 02; Destination Address : edbe; SQN: : ad
[2019-09-04 07:16:50][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:50: protocolData size(27) message > 12 char: 8702000882f0010102edbeae00
[2019-09-04 07:16:50][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8702; (APS Data Confirm Fail); Status : f0 (->); Source Endpoint : 01; Destination Endpoint : 01; Destination Mode : 02; Destination Address : edbe; SQN: : ae
[2019-09-04 07:16:51][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:51: protocolData size(35) message > 12 char: 004d000C378e30086bd7fffee97b6f8000
[2019-09-04 07:16:51][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 8e30; IEEE : 086bd7fffee97b6f; MAC capa : 80
[2019-09-04 07:16:51][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFct) added to queue (queueKeyParserToAbeille): {"message":{"topic":"Abeille\/Ruche\/enable","payload":"086bd7fffee97b6f"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:52][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:52: protocolData size(35) message > 12 char: 004d000C0E8e30086bd7fffee97b6f8039
[2019-09-04 07:16:52][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 8e30; IEEE : 086bd7fffee97b6f; MAC capa : 80
[2019-09-04 07:16:52][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFct) added to queue (queueKeyParserToAbeille): {"message":{"topic":"Abeille\/Ruche\/enable","payload":"086bd7fffee97b6f"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"2cab":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee974ad","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574162,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"edbe":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee97b6f","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574201,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"8e30":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee97b6f","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574212,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le EP de l equipement
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"CmdAbeille\/Ruche\/ActiveEndPoint","payload":"address=8e30"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/ActiveEndPoint&time=1567574216","payload":"address=8e30"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/ActiveEndPoint&time=1567574218","payload":"address=8e30"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/ActiveEndPoint&time=1567574220","payload":"address=8e30"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:54: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005ad006d004500
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:54: protocolData size(25) message > 12 char: 804500074c6d008e3001015d
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 6d; Status : 00; Short Address : 8e30; Endpoint Count : 01; Endpoint List :; 01
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"2cab":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee974ad","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574162,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"edbe":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee97b6f","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574201,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"8e30":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee97b6f","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574212,"state":"EndPoint","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint","EP":"01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le nom de l equipement
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"CmdAbeille\/Ruche\/getName","payload":"address=8e30&destinationEndPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"CmdAbeille\/Ruche\/getLocation","payload":"address=8e30&destinationEndPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/getName&time=1567574216","payload":"address=8e30&destinationEndPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/getLocation&time=1567574216","payload":"address=8e30&destinationEndPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/SimpleDescriptorRequest&time=1567574218","payload":"address=8e30&endPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][debug](fct mqqtPublishFctToCmd) added to queue (queueKeyParserToCmd): {"message":{"topic":"TempoCmdAbeille\/Ruche\/SimpleDescriptorRequest&time=1567574220","payload":"address=8e30&endPoint=01"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:54: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005811510010000
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:54: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005801511010000
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:54: protocolData size(17) message > 12 char: 8701000355d00000
[2019-09-04 07:16:54][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8701; (Route Discovery Confirm)(decoded but Not Processed); MAC Status: 00 (MAC_ENUM_SUCCESS->Success); Nwk Status: d0 (ZPS_NWK_ENUM_ROUTE_DISCOVERY_FAILED->Attempt at route discovery has failed due to any reason except lack of table space (KiwiHC16: exemple no body response to a route request to a specific short address = no route known to this address, NE removed ? NE out of cobverage ?))
[2019-09-04 07:16:57][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:57: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005ae006e004500
[2019-09-04 07:16:57][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:57: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005960012010000
[2019-09-04 07:16:57][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:57: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005970013010000
[2019-09-04 07:16:58][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:58: protocolData size(25) message > 12 char: 804500074f6e008e3001015d
[2019-09-04 07:16:58][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 6e; Status : 00; Short Address : 8e30; Endpoint Count : 01; Endpoint List :; 01
[2019-09-04 07:16:59][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:59: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005af006f004500
[2019-09-04 07:16:59][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:59: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005468000004300
[2019-09-04 07:16:59][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:16:59: protocolData size(69) message > 12 char: 8102001d3e128e30010000000500420010334146453134303130343032303030445d
[2019-09-04 07:16:59][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 12; Src Addr : 8e30; End Point : 01; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0005; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 42; Attr Size : 0010; Data byte list : ->3AFE14010402000D<-
[2019-09-04 07:16:59][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"2cab":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee974ad","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574162,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"edbe":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee97b6f","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574201,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"8e30":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee97b6f","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574212,"state":"modelIdentifier","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01","modelIdentifier":"3AFE14010402000D"}}
[2019-09-04 07:16:59][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Configure NE
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE Start
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE End
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:04: protocolData size(37) message > 12 char: 8102000D11138e30010000001086ff00005a
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 13; Src Addr : 8e30; End Point : 01; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0010; Attr Status : 86; Attr Data Type : ff; Attr Size : 0000; Data byte list : -><-
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"edbe":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee97b6f","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574201,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"8e30":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee97b6f","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574212,"state":"configuration","action":"modelIdentifierReceived->configuration","EP":"01","modelIdentifier":"3AFE14010402000D"}}
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande Current State Equipement
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:04: protocolData size(69) message > 12 char: 8102001d39128e30010000000500420010334146453134303130343032303030445a
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 12; Src Addr : 8e30; End Point : 01; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0005; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 42; Attr Size : 0010; Data byte list : ->3AFE14010402000D<-
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"edbe":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee97b6f","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574201,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"8e30":{"IEEE":"086bd7fffee97b6f","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1567574212,"state":"currentState","action":"configuration->currentState","EP":"01","modelIdentifier":"3AFE14010402000D"}}
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:04: protocolData size(37) message > 12 char: 8102000D11138e30010000001086ff00005a
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 13; Src Addr : 8e30; End Point : 01; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0010; Attr Status : 86; Attr Data Type : ff; Attr Size : 0000; Data byte list : -><-
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:04: protocolData size(25) message > 12 char: 80450007496f008e3001015a
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 6f; Status : 00; Short Address : 8e30; Endpoint Count : 01; Endpoint List :; 01
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:04: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005b00070004500
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:04: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005b70071004300
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:04: protocolData size(25) message > 12 char: 804500075170008e3001015d
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 70; Status : 00; Short Address : 8e30; Endpoint Count : 01; Endpoint List :; 01
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:04: protocolData size(59) message > 12 char: 804300185871008e30120101040402000400000001000305000100035d
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8043; (Simple Descriptor Response)(Not Processed); SQN : 71; Status : 00; Short Address : 8e30; Length : 12; endpoint : 01; profile : 0104 (ZigBee Home Automation (ZHA)); deviceId : 0402 (IAS Zone); bitField : 00; InClusterCount : 04
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug]In cluster: 0000 - General: Basic
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug]In cluster: 0001 - General: Power Config
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug]In cluster: 0003 - General: Identify
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug]In cluster: 0500 - Security & Safety: IAS Zone
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug]OutClusterCount : 01
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug]Out cluster: 0003 - General: Identify
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; fct; processAnnonce, Switch default: WARNING should not exist for ->8e30<- with state -><-
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:04: protocolData size(39) message > 12 char: 8401000E5a3f010500026a0D00cd0000000042
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 8401; (IAS Zone status change notification )(Processed); SQN: 3f; endpoint: 01; cluster id: 0500; src address mode: 02; src address: 6a0D; zone status: 00cd; extended status: 00; zone id: 00; delay: 0000
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:04: protocolData size(39) message > 12 char: 8401000E2240010500026a0D00cd0000000045
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 8401; (IAS Zone status change notification )(Processed); SQN: 40; endpoint: 01; cluster id: 0500; src address mode: 02; src address: 6a0D; zone status: 00cd; extended status: 00; zone id: 00; delay: 0000
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:04: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005910000001400
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:04: protocolData size(15) message > 12 char: 80140002970100
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 01
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:04: protocolData size(39) message > 12 char: 8401000E2e41010500026a0D00cd0000000048
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug];Type; 8401; (IAS Zone status change notification )(Processed); SQN: 41; endpoint: 01; cluster id: 0500; src address mode: 02; src address: 6a0D; zone status: 00cd; extended status: 00; zone id: 00; delay: 0000
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:04: protocolData size(17) message > 12 char: 8701000355d00000
[2019-09-04 07:17:04][AbeilleParser][debug];type; 8701; (Route Discovery Confirm)(decoded but Not Processed); MAC Status: 00 (MAC_ENUM_SUCCESS->Success); Nwk Status: d0 (ZPS_NWK_ENUM_ROUTE_DISCOVERY_FAILED->Attempt at route discovery has failed due to any reason except lack of table space (KiwiHC16: exemple no body response to a route request to a specific short address = no route known to this address, NE removed ? NE out of cobverage ?))
[2019-09-04 07:17:24][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:24: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 80000005950000001000
[2019-09-04 07:17:24][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:24: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 801000058f0003031a00
[2019-09-04 07:17:28][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:28: protocolData size(21) message > 12 char: 800000058c0000000900
[2019-09-04 07:17:28][AbeilleParser][info]-------------- 2019-09-04 07:17:28: protocolData size(55) message > 12 char: 8009001673000000158d0001edea9175481df26ec1b9826fc50F00
One device with "3AFE14010402000D" name is reported so you should see it in Abeille. Can't you ?
If not, could you share the log Abeille at the same time as the log AbeilleParser ?
In fact I see in a previous Abeille log
[2019-08-19 22:47:08][DEBUG] : fct message Topic: ->Abeille/2936/0000-01-0005<- Value ->3AFE14010402000D<-
[2019-08-19 22:47:08][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/2936/0000-01-0005<- Value ->3AFE14010402000D<-
[2019-08-19 22:47:08][INFO] : Recherche objet: 3AFE14010402000D dans les objets connus
[2019-08-19 22:47:08][DEBUG] : value:3AFE14010402000D / trimmed value: ->3AFE14010402000D<-
[2019-08-19 22:47:08][DEBUG] : Template : null
[2019-08-19 22:47:08][DEBUG] : EP: 01
[2019-08-19 22:47:08][DEBUG] : Template : null
[2019-08-19 22:47:08][INFO] : objet: 3AFE14010402000D recherché comme 3AFE14010402000D ne peut pas etre creer car je ne connais pas ce type d objet.
Could you check in folder: /var/www/html/plugins/Abeille/core/config/devices/
That you have the folder: 3AFE14010402000D
No I don't have that folder. Attached a screenshot with that folder info. Let me know what can I do. Thanks.
I've decided to quit with the konke because I can have both running, konke and livolo, but I keep loosing the livolo switch after few minutes. anyway to keep them on?
I've done de redo on the inclusion for the livolo but keep the same problem.
Livolo are a bit tricky. I have to build a test lab to verify the behavior because I have already injected a trick in Abeille to keep the switch in and worked on my network (Livolo have very strange behavior)... Will take a bit of time...
Thanks for your work on this. Hope everything goes well I read somewhere you were busier than normal. Take care. I'll be checking If you have any news next week. If I can do anything to help you let me know. Kind regards.
On Fri, 4 Oct 2019, 16:31 Ben, wrote:
Livolo are a bit tricky. I have to build a test lab to verify the behavior because I have already injected a trick in Abeille to keep the switch in and worked on my network (Livolo have very strange behavior)... Will take a bit of time...
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Yes sorry very very busy....
Just to let you know... The whole problem was a poor mesh connection. I bought a Trådafi repeater and an ikea Plug and the Mesh is now quite better and I'm rarely losing any devices. Just one question, Why the livolo switch acts as an end device? they aren't battery devices, I thought they will work as a repeater. Thanks again for your work.
Pd the shutter roller switch from zemismart is compatible?
Mesh is probably the most common issue. Would have been good if in the standardisation they would have allowed a bit more power. LIVOLO: it s a choice from the designer of the product. Xiaomi switch is the same and Legrand is not if I remember well. Both are valid from zigbee point of view.
Shutter roller switch from zemismart: I don t know this product. Could you share some links about it ? Is it in compatibility list ?
Zigbee shutter should be compatible. I included one Ikea Store which use zigbee shutter mode.
If you still need help. Please open a dedicated issue with a link to that one if needed.
That is the abeille log