KixAss / homebridge-ziggo-next

Add your Ziggo Mediabox Next to Homebridge and Homekit
The Unlicense
5 stars 3 forks source link

Installed, Configured but noting happens... #1

Open tne7laa opened 4 years ago

tne7laa commented 4 years ago

Looked for this great feature to turn on/off the Ziggo Next box with Home Bridge. I installed it and configured it but pushing the on/off button (which appears) noting happens on the box. In the log i'm seeing (other lines filtered out):

[1/22/2020, 12:40:35 PM] ---
[1/22/2020, 12:40:38 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-ziggo-next
[1/22/2020, 12:40:38 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-ziggo-next.ziggo-next'
[1/22/2020, 12:40:38 PM] ---
[1/22/2020, 12:44:16 PM] [Mediabox] getPowerState
[1/22/2020, 12:44:17 PM] [Mediabox] getInputState
[1/22/2020, 12:44:42 PM] [Mediabox] Power on/off
[1/22/2020, 12:44:53 PM] [Mediabox] Power on/off
[1/22/2020, 12:47:01 PM] [Mediabox] getPowerState
[1/22/2020, 12:47:01 PM] [Mediabox] getInputState

With used credentials I use I can login on the Ziggo tv site (

But... If I turn on box with remote control manually the status is updated in Home app on iPhone. Also I can switch channels and also turn the box off. Great!

Should I change the "standby state" from "Eco" to "Normal"/"High" for this?

djkill2 commented 4 years ago

Hi, same behaviour on my system. No response from the ziggo next box....

N0BaDaY commented 4 years ago

After adding my Samsung TV build year 2019 to homebridge and getting this working just fine with the Home-app the next thing was getting my mediabox added as well. I was hoping to get this working with this plugin but after adding the code to the config.json (with my own working accesscode) and restarting homebridge won't restart, completely silent until I remove the added code from the config file by terminal/ssh and rebooting my RPi3. I'm not a professional IT-person, more of an techcrazy-try-to-controle-everything-remotely middle-aged man with Google as my've got no clue as how to solve this...

GuitarHer01 commented 4 years ago

Same issue here. When the Next is turned on manually, sometimes I can change channels and power off the box.

I tried to change the Power management of the Next and changed it from “ Normal” to Hi Power. This didn’t seemed to make any difference.